Chapter 4 - Somethings not right...

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It's the next morning and as usual Cara spends an hour covering up her scars and bruises. She is making breakfast when she hears a knock at the door. She answers it to reveal Kevin
"Kev! What are you doing here?!" Cara asked lowering her voice
"What's really going on with you Huh?!" Kevin yelled
"Keep your voice down!" Cara argued as she stepped out the house and closed the door behind her
"Who's in there?!" Kevin asked trying to get past her
"No one! A friend stayed with me last night whilst her apartment gets sorted out" Cara explained
Kevin then noticed that Cara was clutching her stomach
"Tell me what happened!" Kevin yelled
"I've already told you! I got into the middle of a fight!" Cara argues
"Oh really? Then explain this?!" Kevin said as he lifted up Cara's shirt
"Ke..Ahh!" Cara said as she winces in pain
"I prove my point" Kevin added
"You need to get to your shift and so do I" Cara protested and she placed her shirt back down carefully
"You know you can tell me if someone's hurting you right?" Kevin asked
"I know, goodbye Kev" Cara said before walking back in
"Who was that?" Scott asked, clearly hungover
"No one, just someone from my academy class" Cara explained as Scott took her by her waist
Cara winced but managed to hold it in
"My parents are coming into town, I want you to meet them" Scott said before kissing her
"I would love too" Cara replied
"How's tonight? I made reservations at some Italian place" Scott suggested
"That would be great" Cara said with a smile on her face
The day went by in a blur, all Cara could think about was meeting his parents. Cara slipped into a tight black dress and curled her hair. She walked down the stairs to see Scott in a suit
"You look like your gaining a little weight, might want to go back on that military diet" Scott said as he picked up his care keys
"Uh yeah I guess" Cara replied as they walked out
They arrived at the restaurant to see his mom and dad waiting for them at a table. Scott went up and kissed his mother's cheek
"Hey mom" He said calmly
"This must be your Cara!" Scott's mother said proudly
"Mom dad this is Cara. Cara this is my mom Linda and my dad Mark" Scott introduced as his mom gave Cara a hug
"It's lovely to meet you both" Cara said smiling
David just inspects Cara but doesn't say a word, they sit down and start asking Cara questions
"So how long were you in the army for?" Linda asks
"Uh 10 years" Cara replies as she takes a sip of her water
"Oh that's longer than our Scott! Your parents must be very proud!" Linda said as the food got served
It's the end of dinner and David finally says something
"You know, you could've done better" David said looking Cara up and down
"I'll Uhm go wait in the car" Cara said before walking out
"David!" Linda yelled
"What! She's a tramp! Did you see her eye?!" David argued
Scott then went silent
"Goodnight guys" Scott said before walking out
He the boy in the car next to Cara
"I'm sorry" Cara apologised
But Scott didn't say a word. After what felt like an hours drive they arrived home. Cara knew what was coming
"You embarrassed me today! You know that!?" Scott yelled as she slammed his hands against the table
"I know Scott I'm sorry. I know how much this dinner meant to you" Cara agreed
"You know what my dads right! You are a tramp!" Scott screamed
"Then why the hell did you follow me to Chicago huh?!" Cara yelled
"What did you just say to me?!" Scott yelled as he stepped closer to Cara
"What are you gonna do?! Hit me again? Go ahead!" Cara yelled
*Cara's POV*
He then slapped me, causing me to step back. The stinging pain was going through my face. I looked up at him, trying to prove I wasn't scared. He walked over to me and kneed me over and over again in the abdomen. He had finally had enough. He started punching my arms, making tiny red marks all over them. He then walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He slashed my leg and I felt the blood roll down my leg. I screamed in pain.
"Scott!" I yelled as he lifted me up by the hair
"Your going to go down to the hospital! Who did this to you!" Scott yelled as he put the knife up against my throat
"No one baby! No one did this to me!" I yelled
"Good girl, now what happened?!" He yelled louder
"I got hurt at the academy again! I couldn't handle the knife properly!" I suggested
"Good, now get out of my sight!" He yelled as he let go of my hair
I walked out and got into my car, the tears were streaming down my face. I arrived at med and was sitting in a cubical. I then look up to see the doctor from the district
"Cara?" Will asked
I just stared at the wall
"What's going on?" He asked softly
"I guess I've been out of the job too long, I forgot how to handle a pocket knife and it fell on my leg" I explained
"Okay let's get you stitched up" Will said, not buying her story
After 20 minutes they're done, Will has seen all the bruises. He knows what's going on
"Is there anything else you need to tell me?" Will asked
"What do you mean?" I asked, putting on my jacket
"Who's doing this to you!?" Will asked
"No one! I've told you! I'm fine! Can we just drop this!" I yelled before walking out

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