Chapter 32 - Shared Custody

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"Well?!" Kevin yelled
"She changed her name" Jason sighed
"So now what?" Kevin asked
"You've got nothing on her, if the judge looks at this biologically your a stranger to Addy" Jason explained
"You can't let Cara win! I need that little girl!" Kevin yelled
"I won't let you loose her" Jason promised
After a while they are back in the court room
"Due to personal reasons Jason Montgomery has had to pull out last minute, court will resume at a later date. For the time being Miss Hart and Mr Atwater will have shared custody of Addy" The judge announced
Cara sighed as they got up and walked out, she then met Kevin in the hallway
"I get the weekends?" Cara asked
"Sure, my moms got Addy I'll drop her by later" Kevin said
"Thanks" Cara said before walking out
It's later that night and Kevin has just arrived at Cara's
"Your still living here?" Kevin asked as he sat Addy down
"Uh yeah, I've been looking at places but just haven't found the right one" Cara said
"Yeah well her bedtimes at 7, she usually gets up at around 4am for milk. Her favourite toy is in her bag and remember she's allergic to certain bed sheet washes, it brings her out in a rash. If she asks for Bobo, it's her sucker in her bag." Kevin explained
"Got it" Cara said as Kevin nodded and walked out
"Now are you ready for a fun time with mama!!" Cara smiled
It's a few hours later and Cara is finally getting to bed, Addy has been down for about 2 hours. Cara lays down and shuts her eyes when Addy starts to cry
"Shhh" Cara said as she picked her up
But Addy kept crying, after 30 minutes Cara finally got her down. A few hours later Addy wakes up again
"Come on princess!" Cara said as she rocked her
But Addy kept wailing
"You want bobo? Let's get bobo" Cara said as she sat Addy down
"Where is it?!" Cara yelled as she searched through the bag
Addy never stopped
"Okay think Cara, it's 4! You want a bottle?!" Cara asked as she got the bottle
Addy drank the milk and settled back down. Cara sat down on her bed and burst into tears. She cried for a while and then pulled her phone out, she then called Casey
"Cara?" He asked, in a morning voice
"I can't do this, I'm not cut out to be a mom" Cara sobbed
"Woah slow down, what's going on?" Casey asked
"Addy won't stop crying and I don't know how to fix it! Kevin gave me these rules but I-I can't remember them all! I don't know anything about her Casey!" Cara cried
"Hey! You've got this! You just need some sleep, get some rest" Casey said
It's the next morning and Cara has drove to Kevin's house
"Hey" He said as he opened the door
"I was a bitch, taking your daughter away from you. I don't know anything about this little girl, I wish I did. Growing up I always wanted to be a mom but I didn't think her father would be a guy who abused me for fun. I'm not going to fight you for custody, she's your daughter, not mine" Cara said as she passed Addy to Kevin
"You have no idea how much she means to me" Kevin said as he smiled
"Take care of her, Bye sweet girl" Cara said with tears in her eyes...

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