Chapter 8 - Panicking

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"Are you done?" Cara asked
Scott looks her up and down and spits in her face. Cara stands there and takes it before Scott angrily walks away. For the first time Cara can't quite catch her breath. She grabs her keys and jumps in her car. She drives to Kevin's house still unable to catch her breath. She knocks on his door frantically.
"Cara?" He asked
"H-How's Jordan?" Cara asked, panicking
"Jordan?" Kevin asked
"Yes! I mean he must be about 17 n-now" Cara yelled
"Breath Cara" Kevin said as he started to rub her back
"D-Did he get into his dream college, I-I mean surely he did" Cara said
"Okay let's sit down" Kevin said as he lead her inside
"Cara?" Jordan asked
"Go to your room bud" Kevin explained as he sat down with Cara on the couch
"Deep breaths for me" Kevin said calmly
"I can't" Cara said unable to catch her breath
"Listen to my voice, only focus on my voice" Kevin said calmly
Cara shuts her eyes and listens to his voice, slowly she starts to regain control of her breathing. She then looks at her phone to see 5 missed calls from Scott along with 4 texts
Where the hell are you?!
Of course you fucking run away!!!!
Man up Cara! Come home!
I swear to god Cara! Where are you!!!!!
"I-I need to go" Cara said as she got up and grabbed her bag
"Hey! Where?" Kevin said trying to stop her
"Look thank you for tonight but I need to go home" Cara said with that look in her eye
"Okay" Kevin said as he stood aside and let her past
"Thanks again Kev" Cara said before driving off
Cara pulls into her driveway and sighs before walking in. Scott is sitting in his usual spot on the couch, slightly smiling. The room is dark and he turns to face Cara
"You think I'm stupid?" He yelled
"N-No" Cara muttered
"Your sleeping outside!" Scott yelled as he grabbed her by her hair
Scott dragged her outside and lead her to a small shed in their back yard. He threw her in and smiled
"See how you like this smart ass" Scott yelled before locking the door
Cara curled her legs up towards her chest, she lets her head fall into her knees. There is water dripping from the roof and spiders webs everywhere. She picks up her phone and looks at the time, 21:50. It's going to be a long night.
After a very restless night Cara woke up, her neck in a cramp. Scott walked over and unlocked the door
"How'd you sleep olive?" Scott asked as Cara saw red
"What did you just call me?!" Cara yelled as she stood up
"Olive? What's wrong with that darling?" Scott asked, all smart
"Stop calling me that! You know that only my dad gets to call me that!" Cara yelled
"Your dad disowned you a long time ago...and looking at you I don't blame him" Scott said looking Cara up and down
"At least I didn't come from a long line of woman beaters" Cara threatened
"What did you say bitch?!" Scott yelled as he grabbed her hair
"Whoops, must've slipped out" Cara muttered
Scott then pulled her closer and stared at her. He then smacked her head against the concrete wall, hard enough to make a scar but not hard enough to knock her out. Scott was smart, he knew how to cover his tracks.
"Go get ready to teach your 9am class...Olive" Scott said as Cara nodded and walked inside
Cara then cleaned herself up as usual and put on a smile....

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