Chapter 24 - Do you have a death wish?!

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*TW: This chapter contains mentions of Suicide, please seek help if you need it. I promise asking for help is not a sign of weakness, my DM's are always open.

Cara hasn't set foot in Kevin's apartment since the argument. She stayed with Hailey and Jay, she had made arrangements with her Sargent to leave today for Afghanistan.
"You need clothes" Hailey argued
"They take all personal belongings off of you anyway" Cara said as she started to apply the gel to her hair
"Cara you can't leave without saying goodbye, Kev will be crushed" Jay explained
"The same Kevin who told me to die in Afghanistan last night?" Cara snapped
"You know he didn't mean that" Jay argued
"And what about Addy? What happens to her?" Hailey asked
"I updated my will" Cara said
"What?!" Jay asked
"It's a requirement before you go to war. You've got to have plans in place, especially the parents" Cara said as she looked at herself in the mirror
"Well?" Hailey asked
"If something happens to me addys going to Kevin and if he doesn't want her" Cara said as she stopped herself
"Doesn't want her?!" Jay argued
"You better have written our names down" Hailey asked
"Don't tell me you" Jay said looking at Cara
"She's going into care" Cara admitted
Jay and Hailey both let out sighs
"What?" Cara asked, unable to look at them
"Your going to put her into care?! We're right here Cara! We could've took her in!" Jay yelled
"I'm not going to out that on you! I knew when I had Addy that one day she would go into care! I'm in the military! That's no place for a mother!" Cara yelled
"Cara" Jay muttered
"Now are you going to drive me to the airport or what?" Cara asked
An hour later Cara was on the plane, Kevin hadn't called nor texted. She settled back into her seat and closed her eyes.
A few days went by and Cara was officially back out on the field
"Hart?" A woman asked
"Yeah?" Cara asked as she turned around
"I didn't think you'd come back" She laughed
"Davis" Cara said as she hugged her
"What's been going on with you?!" Davis asked
"Uhm, nothing much" Cara lied
"Take cover!" A man yelled
Cara and Davis both dove to the floor, Cara pulled out her gun
"Let's see how rusty you really are" Davis laughed as she clocked her gun
"Try me" Cara said as she ran out
"Hart!" Davis yelled
"What the hell is she doing?" A man asked
"She's going to get herself killed" Another solider added
"Hart!" Davis yelled
But Cara didn't listen and quite frankly she didn't care. All she wanted was to kill someone, put a bullet in them, watch them bleed out. Cara wasn't normal, neither was anyone who had seen the things she had saw. Cara herself was up against the whole Afghan military, she walked closer. Something then clicked, she didn't need this anymore, there was no purpose for her anymore. She placed her gun on the floor and held out her arms, she closed her eyes and "waited for it to happen" she then felt an arm pull her in. She opened her eyes to see Davis
"Do you have a fucking death wish!?" She yelled
"Uhm no" Cara said as she rubbed her face
But yet she did....

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