Chapter 28 - Meeting him

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"And I'm leaving, I'm in court next week but after that I'm gone. I promise you" Cara said
"Cara" Kevin mutters
"No! Don't you dare talk to me! I know I'm a shit mom but I don't need you to tell me that!" Cara yelled before walking away
Kevin then slammed the door shut. Cara then drove around for ages until finding herself outside a bar. It was some place called Mollys. She walked in and sat at the bar
"What can I get you?" Herrmann asked
"Something strong" Cara sighed
"Coming right up" Herrmann said
"Hey" Otis said as he sat next to her
"Hi?" Cara asked
"Brian, and you are?" Otis asked
"Smoking hot, I'm Joe" Cruz said
"I'm Cara" Cara said as Herrmann put her drink down
"Now what's a pretty lady like you doing alone in a bar?" Otis asked
"This pretty lady is getting her kid taken off of her" Cara laughed as she sipped her drink
"Your a mom?" Otis asked
"Like a mom mom?!" Cruz asked
"Chill out dumb and dumber, I'm only 24" Cara laughed
"Are these 2 jerks bothering you miss?" Casey laughed
Cara smiled
"Get lost idiots" Casey said
"Yes Luitenent" Otis said as they both walked away
"Luitenent?" Cara smiled
"I'm Matt, I work at 51" Casey said as he held out his hand
"Cara, I work all over the place" Cara laughed as she took his hand
"All over the place?" Casey asked
"It's a long story" Cara laughed
"Good thing I've got all night" Casey smiled
After a few hours Cara and Matt hit it off
"I'm sure this guy is a real jerk who's taking your kid off you. Just take him to court, I'm sure they'd pick an army solider over some low life" Casey said
"Unfortunately for me that low life's a cop" Cara laughed as she finished her drink
"Ooo tough one" Casey laughed
"Yep" Cara said as she traced the rim of her glass with her finger
"How about we get outa here? Go get some food?" Casey asked
"I'd like that" Cara said as she smiled
They walked out and got into Casey's car and they drove to a pizza place.
"Okay I've gotta say I doubted you" Cara laughed
"It's good isn't it" Casey smiled as he took a bite
"So do you like firefighting?" Cara asked
"I love it, I love saving families and getting a wife back with her husband of 30 years. And then the firehouse is amazing" Casey smiled
"I see what you mean there, I worked in a firehouse a few years ago, it was great" Cara said
"Oh? How come?" Casey asked
"I have medic training in the army, I went around with paramedics for a few weeks" Cara smiled
"Well if you choose to stay that's a job for you" Casey laughed
It's the next morning and Casey is at the firehouse
"Who did you leave with last night" Kelly laughed
"Nothing happened, I just took her out to get pizza" Casey smiled
"Ooo! By that smile I'm guessing you liked it?" Kelly asked
"She's...Amazing" Casey admitted
"I've not seen you like this since Gabby" Kelly said
"That was 4 years ago, I think it's time we drop it" Casey smiled
"Got it, but hey I would ask her out, you only live once" Kelly yelled as he walked away

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