Chapter 42 - I love you

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Love, a word that can be used to describe anything or anyone. But it's true what they say, you don't know how much you love someone until they leave. You reflect on all the times you had together until it hits you, your never going to have that anymore.

It was a few months later. Cara had broken off whatever she had with Casey and has casually been dating Kevin. She had been seeing Addy a lot more. Things were good for once. Cara had gotten a permanent job at the academy. It was a cold December morning in Chicago. Kevin and Cara were out for lunch.
"I just don't know what to do. He's an amazing solider like better than me but he's not taking it seriously" Cara said
"It's hard, you try so hard with someone but really they're not willing to put the work in" Kevin said as their food came
Cara looked at Kevin's plate, there was a sharp knife sitting on the edge of the plate. She jumped a tad as Kevin lifted it up
"Hey? You okay?" he asked as he put the knife down
"Yeah, sorry" Cara smiled
But deep down that knife reminded her of a dinner date with Scott..

*Last Year*
"Why the fuck did you not get a salad! Now everyone's going to think I married a fat woman!" Scott said
"I know, I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better" Cara said as she looked at the burger on her plate
"You always say that but here we are! Your nothing but a fat bitch who's never going to learn!" Scott said as he picked up the knife and slit the back of Cara's hands
"Scott" Cara muttered as she hid her hands under the table
The blood dripped down from her hands and onto her denim jeans.
"Ask the waiter for a napkin, say the knife slipped out your hand. I can't have this turning into a blood bath" Scott threatened

*Present Day*
"Are you sure your okay?" Kevin asked
"Of course" Cara smiled looking down at her burger
They arrived home shortly after. Addy has began to start walking. She staggers over to Cara
"Hey princess" Cara smiled as she picked Addy up
"Did you guys have a nice lunch?" Hailey asked
"Oh look at that, it's Addys nap time. I'll go out her down" Cara said as she began to walk into her bedroom
"I'm worried about her" Kevin said
"How come?" Hailey asked
"She's been acting weird, almost as if she's scared of me?" Kevin said
"She's probably just on edge after Scott, don't worry yourself too much" Jay said

It was later that night, 11pm to be exact. Kevin had gone to bed early. He woke up slightly noticing Cara wasn't in bed next to him. He got up and began to look for her. He reached the back yard to see her painting the fence. As he watched her he began to think about their high school days

*December 2003*
"I've been looking all over for you!" Kevin said as he looked at Cara who had paint all over her face
Cara still continued to paint
"You've painted 5 canvases?!" Kevin asked
"I paint when I get stressed, it's the only thing that keeps me from pulling my hair out" Cara explained
"Jesus Cara" Kevin laughed

*Present Day*
"What's going on?" Kevin asked
"Nothing! Everything's fine" Cara smiled
"Cara" He said softly
"What do you think of the colour? I like the grey?" Cara said, admiring her fence
"Cmon Cara, what's going on?" Kevin said
"Nothing! I'm fine! Honestly kev" Cara smiled
"You know I love you right?" Kevin said
"I love you more Sweetheart" Cara smiled
But deep down that made Kevin more worried...

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