Chapter 47 - Whiskey

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"Whiskey, statistics show it's the most ordered drink within clubs across America. However it's expensive. My company, decreases costs by 12%. Making it cheap to stock but it still has the taste of other whiskeys" Cara explained
"I'm listening" Mike said
"However you'll need a cellar of at least 4 degrees" Cara explained
"Well Miss Stark you do put up a good offer" Mike said as he placed his hand on top of Cara's

Meanwhile outside, Kevin is listening to their whole conversation
"What the hell is taking her so long?!" Kevin said
"Hey! Calm down! She's going to be fine" Hailey smiled
"But what if she's not Hailey? What about Addy?" Kevin asked
"Cara can handle herself. You need to trust her" Hailey said
It was only Hailey and Kevin in the car
"She payed a guard to let her into Scott's cell" Kevin said
"What?" Hailey asked
"She payed a prison officer to let her into see Scott. She attacked him. Left him for dead." Kevin said
"She could go to jail for that kev!" Hailey said
"Don't you think I know that?!" Kevin yelled
"She won't listen to me!" Kevin said
Hailey sighed
"You don't get it kev, she went through years of pain because of that man. He hit her, punched her, made her think she was worthless. Of course she wants to hurt him, get back at him. She could have lost Addy because of him" Hailey said
"I know-" Kevin said
"You don't! You didn't see her kev! You didn't see her when she was lying on the floor after one of his beatings. Unable to physically move because her bones were shattered. He tried to kill her in a hospital kev! A hospital! People are meant to feel safe there! So cut her some slack" Hailey argued
"What happens when she gets thrown in jail?!" Kevin asked
"We're not going to let that happen to her, you know that. Voight wouldn't let that happen to her" Hailey said
Just then Kevin's radio picks up
"She got him, we've got clear evidence. Move in" Voight said

"Well it was good doing business with you Miss Stark" Mike smiled
"And you" Cara smiled
Just as she turned to the door, the rest of the operation burst in. They got Mike in cuffs
"You bitch!" He spat
"Have fun in jail" Cara smiled
Kevin then walked over to Cara
"You okay?" He asked
"Fine" Cara said dryly
"Look Cara, I blew off the handle I get that. But I don't want you going down for him" Kevin said
"I understand that Kevin but I'm a big girl. I don't need you to stick up for me anymore" Cara said before walking away...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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