Chapter 40 - Im here

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Days passed and Cara was still in the ICU. Casey hadn't left her side. Kevin dropped by when he could and so did everyone else from the district. It was a cold Tuesday morning and Casey had ran out to get a coffee. When he came back Maggie was standing outside Cara's room
"What is it? What happened?" Casey asked, the look of fear in his eyes
"She's awake Matt" Maggie smiled
Casey walked past Maggie and walked in her room to see Cara sitting up.
"Casey" She said weakly
"Hey you" Casey smiled as he walked over to her
"How long was I out for?" Cara asked
"A little while but your awake now, that's all that matters" Casey said
"I missed her birthday didn't I?" Cara asked
"You did, but Kevin drove down here with her and she sat with you for a while" Casey explained
"I tried to call when I saw him I really did Casey" Cara explained
"Hey, that doesn't matter now okay" Casey explained
It's a few weeks later, Cara is getting discharged and has made a full recovery. She is back in her apartment when she gets a text from her boss.
That position is still open Hart, you should take it. Get out of Chicago for a while
Chloe sighed as she looked up at Casey who was bringing the last of her bags in
"Everything okay?" He asked
"Yeah" Chloe smiled

Meanwhile over at the district
"My CI has nothing, No one has saw Scott in days" Hailey added
"Someone must know something" Voight added
"I do, Scott was seen a few days ago in a convinece store on 5th. He bought a few things with a new credit card under the name Max Harvey" Adam said
"My CI has something, Scott is due on a flight to England in 2 hours" Kevin said
"Let's go then" Voight said

It's later that night and Cara is sitting on her couch, Casey had ran out to get food when there is a knock at the door. Cara answers it to reveal Hailey.
"We got him, he's in custody and isn't getting out for a long time" She smiled
"Thank you Hailey" Cara said as she hugged Hailey
"You should be thanking Kev, it was his CI who got us there" Hailey explained
Cara just smiled
"So have you been cleared for the army yet?" Hailey asked
"Yeah" Cara added
"Are you going back?" Hailey asked
"I have too, there's nothing for me here Hailey" Cara explained
"What about Matt? He's clearly in love with you Cara" Hailey explained
"Please, he's far from it Hailey" Cara said
"Just think about it please, give him a chance" Hailey suggested...

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