Chapter 44 - Shes okay

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"Where is she?" Cara asked
"Hey, calm down" Will said
"Don't tell me to calm down! Where is my kid?!" Cara yelled
"She's in the MRI machine right now, Kevin's with her" Will explained
"What happened?" Cara asked as she sat down
"We suspect it was high blood pressure, that can make your heart work faster than it should. In a child her age, it can effect your breathing. However we also have reason to believe that Addy is Diabetic, we know your not diabetic however.." Will explained
"Can't you get his files from the infirmary in the jail?" Cara asked
"We can but it takes time. Did you ever see him injecting himself or wearing a glucose pump?" Will asked
"Look Will, he was too busy beating me up for me to notice if he injected himself with insulin every morning" Cara said
"I understand, I'll contact the infirmary" Will said as he walked out

Cara paced the halls, waiting for them to come out when she locked eyes with Kevin
"I was in a shooter drill, I couldn't pull my phone out. I had missed calls from the sitter, then you called me-" Cara panicked
"Hey, it's okay. You were at work, it's okay. Addy is fine, she's breathing" Kevin smiled
"But what if you weren't around? What would've happened then?" Cara asked
"I was Cara, that's the main thing" Kevin said
"They think she's diabetic, Scott is the only person she could have inherited it from. The infirmary aren't releasing the information" Cara explained
"We can wait, they'll release them eventually" Kevin said as he put his arm around Cara
"They can't treat Addy until they know what's wrong with her!" Cara said
"They can! You need to just calm down" Kevin smiled
"Screw this" Cara said as she walked out
"Cara!" Kevin yelled but she was gone

Around an hour later Cara was sat in an investigation room, the room felt cold and empty. Minutes later the door swung open.
"Miss me princess?" Scott asked with a smirk slowly growing on his face
Cara said nothing, the guard sat him across the table from Cara before walking out and closing the door behind him. Cara stood up and sat on the edge of the table, just in front of Scott.
"4 years, that's how long you made my life a living hell for" Cara said with absolutely no emotion showing on her face
"I hit a nerve a few times" Scott smirked
Cara then heard her phone ping, she looked down to see a text from Kevin
Kev - They got the file, He's diabetic
"Now your going to watch me, make your life a living hell" Cara smiled as she dug the heel of the foot into a fresh wound that he had on his arm

Cara left the room with Scott doubled over on the floor, his eye was swollen and purple, there was a pile of blood lying next to him coming from his leg, he had a lump on his head which was also bruised. Cara smiled at the guard and handed him a 50 dollar note.
"Don't worry, he'll live" Cara smiled

Cara got to the hospital later that night, she had been there for around an hour, Addy was fast asleep and Kevin was working on some paperwork in the corner when Jay walks in
"Scott was just rushed to lakeshore, he has some pretty bad brain damage" Jay explained
"Do they know who did it?" Kevin asked as Cara smiled
"They're looking into it...I've gotta take this" Jay said as he stepped out
"What did you hit him with?" Kevin asked
"What do you mean?" Cara asked
"What did you hit him with?" Kevin repeated
"The chair" Cara muttered
"Why the hell did you go over there?!" Kevin asked
"After the things he put me through kev? Anyway I know a guy, he severed in France with me, he's a guard now. I just so happened to have a 50 that slipped into his pocket" Cara smiled
"How could you be so stupid?!" Kevin yelled
"I'm not scared of him anymore Kevin! He needs to know that!" Cara yelled

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