Chapter 34 - I loved you...

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It's a day later and Cara is all over the place, she's unsure weather or not to take the job. So she has decided to fly back home to Chicago. She arrives early that morning and heads back to her apartment. Hailey found out that she's in town so she stops by along with Jay.
"Come in!" Cara yelled as they walked in
"Your back?" Hailey asked as they sat down
"I'm only back to sell this place" Cara said as she began to put her things in the boxes
"What, why?!" Jay asked
"Uhm I got promoted, I'm now Captain Hart. I'm leading my own unit in Afghanistan, it's about 180 soldiers" Cara explained
"When are you coming back?" Hailey asked
"It's going to be probably another 5-6 years before I even get considered of taking time off" Cara explained
"You deserve to settle down, what about Casey?" Jay asked
"I don't know, he - we..we just won't work out, we're too different" Cara explained
"How are you going to tell Kev?" Hailey asked
"Kev really won't care, he's got Addy. I know they'll have each others backs" Cara smiled
After a few hours of packing Cara is finally done, she has loaded up her car and has drove to Kevin's house
"Hello?" He added as he opened the door
"Oh" he replied
"Hi, I just kind came to say goodbye I guess" Cara said
"Where are-" Kevin said as Cara sighed
"You know how that job I wanted growing up" Cara said
"The captain in the army?" Kevin asked
"I finally got it, which means I'm not going to be around. I think I - what I want to say is take care of her please, Addy. She deserves it" Cara explained
"I will, of course I will!" Kevin said
"I'm sorry kev" Cara sighed
"What for?" He asked
"I know I've been a terrible person from trying to take Addy away from you to leaving at the drop of a hat. I really wish I hadn't done this, that I hadn't been a bitch. I want things to do badly go back to the way they were. Growing up all I could picture was me and you in a little-" Cara said as Kevin interrupted her
"Little house, in the middle of Chicago. With 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. You would be working at the academy and I would be working at the district" Kevin smiled
"Exactly, I guess some of our story worked out. I really wish it all did. You were the one person who I loved, I had never felt that way about anyone before. Anyway ignore me. I'd better get going. Goodbye Kevin" Cara said before getting in her car leaving Kevin standing at the door...

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