Chapter 12 - Im Fine...

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It's a week later and Cara hasn't seen anyone from the district. She's been avoiding them as much as she can. Scott's parents are in town and they have already done the big reveal and let's just say his dad isn't all that pleased. They are sitting down for dinner
"Scott is going to make a great dad!" Linda said as she smiled
"Such a shame it's with a tramp like you" Mark said looking Cara up and down
"We find out the sex next week! I just know it's going to be a boy" Scott said
"Uhm I thought we weren't going to find out? I thought we wanted it to be a surprise?" Cara explained
"No you wanted it to be a surprise and who's the man in this relationship?" Scott asked digging his fingernails slightly into Cara's hand under the table
"You are Scott" Cara said as she held in the pain
Cara looked over to mark who had a smirk on his face. After a long night they had finally gone home.
"He hates you! Can't you do anything right?!" Scott yelled
"I thought you said you were going to lay off the drink?" Cara asked, feeling slightly intimidated
"I am sober!" Scott argued
"A 6 pack of beer isn't sober!" Cara yelled
"Do you know how fucking hard it is to not drink when I have you as a wife!? Then you give me a kid?! I could be with so many other women who aren't as much work as you!" Scott yelled as he picked up the vase and threw it against the wall
"No one asked you to marry me! Walk out the door! Go be with those other women!" Cara yelled as Scott grabbed her by her neck and pinned her against the wall
"Scott..." Cara muttered, gasping for air
"Your nothing, get that in your little fucking mind! I'm all you've got! You'd be nothing without me" Scott yelled as he lifted his knee towards Cara's stomach
"Scott! The baby!" Cara yelled
Scott loosened his grip causing Cara to slide down the wall the tiniest bit. Scott's hand formed into a fist and he started to punch Cara until she was black and blue. He grabbed his knife and did his usual move. He slit my leg in more than 3 places causing a pile of blood to form on the floor underneath her.
"What are you going to say to the doctors?" Scott asked as he cleaned his knife
"I fell" Cara explained, exhausted
"Good girl" Scott said as he smirked
Cara got up and drove to the hospital, she walked in to see Jay talking to Will. She couldn't hide her leg, the blood had already seeped through the sweatpants that she had put on before leaving the house. She was pale in the face and sweat was dripping down her face. Jay noticed her first and ran over
"What the hell happened?" Jay yelled
"I-I fell" Cara explained as she held onto his arms
"Come on Cara! Use your words! I can lock him up tonight!" Jay yelled
"He-He's a good man" Cara said before everything went black
"Cara!" Jay yelled
After what felt like a lifetime, Cara woke up. A doctor was sitting in the chair in the corner of her room
"Who are you?" She asked, groggily
"Hi Cara, how are we feeling? I'm Dr.Charles but you can call me Daniel" Daniel explained, softly
"I don't need a shrink, I'm fine" Cara said as she sat up
"Hey I know you don't, I'm just here to talk" Daniel said
Cara looked at the wall
"Tell me what's been going on" He said
But Cara didn't reply. She looked up as Kevin walked in
"Talk to him Cara! Please! I can keep you safe! I can help you! Talk to the fucking man! Please!" Kevin yelled
But Cara didn't show any emotion, she was too deep in thought. Her kid was going to grow up like this, surrounded by these people. She wanted to tell Kevin but she knew that she couldn't. She shouldn't be like this! She was in the army for god sake! She felt small and intimidated which was a feeling she had never felt before....

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