Chapter 5 - The district

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Cara returned back from the hospital in pain. Scott was sitting on the couch with a few empty beer bottles lying next to him. He wasn't drunk but he was tipsy. Cara tried her best to sneak past him but he caught a glimpse of her.
"Hey you!" He said with a concerned look on his face
Cara just simply put her bags down
"How'd it go?" Scott asked
"Fine, I told them it wasn't you. Can I go to bed now please?" Cara asked not taking her eyes off the floor
"Go ahead" Scott said as he stepped out of her way
The next morning Cara woke up and had 12 missed calls from Kevin, she opened her phone to see recent texts from him too
Okay! Who is doing this to you!
You were at the hospital and you didn't think to call
*2 missed calls from 'Kev'*
My god Cara!! Pick up!!
*4 Missed calls from 'Kev'*
Cara then heard Scott turn round
"Who the hell is that?!" He yelled
"No one honey, go back to sleep" Cara said as she heard a knock at the door
Cara then got up and walked down the stairs, she opened it to see Kevin alongside Jay.
"Huh? What are you guys doing here?" Cara asked
"Miss Hart, we need you to come down to the station for some questioning" Jay recited
"What?!" Cara said as she started to hear Scott's footsteps
"We need you to..." Jay said unable to finish
"Fine!" Cara yelled as she walked out with them
They then arrive down at the district
"Where'd those handcuffs go?" Kevin asked looking at Cara's free hands
"Oh please being in the army for 10 years taught me a lot" Cara explained as they walked up to the intelligence unit
"You arrested her?!" Hailey asked
"We're you all in on this?!" Cara yelled
"We're just worried about you" Kevin explained
"We lost touch for 10 years Kev! You don't know me anymore! I'm not 18 anymore!" Cara yelled
"Okay! Then who the hell is Scott?!" Kevin yelled
"You looked me up?" Cara asked
"We just wanted you to be safe, so we looked up who you rented out your apartment with" Jay explained
"Scott...Wouldn't do that!" Cara fought
"Like hell he wouldn't!" Kevin yelled
"I've told you! I got into a fight at the academy!" Cara yelled
"Tell me the fucking truth!" Kevin yelled as he got closer to Cara
"I am Kevin!" Cara yelled as Kevin grabbed her arm
"Tell me the truth!" Kevin screamed with his grip getting tighter
"Watch yourself" Cara threatened as he let go of her arm
"Okay! Hey! We're not doing this!" Hailey said as she pulled Kevin away
"No we're not doing this at all" Cara added before walking out
Kevin then runs out after her
"Cara! Come on!" He yelled
"Really Kev?! I thought you out of all people would trust me! You've been there for me! Yet you arrest me when you can't get something out of me?!" Cara explained
"It - It wasn't like that!" Kevin hesitated
"Oh! Then what was it like?" Cara asked
"I don't want to see you hurt! Especially by him!" Kevin argued
"He's not hurting me Kev!" Cara yelled as a car pulled up next to them
Scott then stepped out fo the car
"There you are! I've been worried sick!" Scott said as he kissed Cara
"I'm okay" Cara muttered
"Cmon Cara! Don't do this!" Kevin added
Cara then went to speak but Scott spoke over her
"She's just fine!" Scott argued
"Come with me! Stay with me and Jordan!" Kevin said looking at Cara
"I" Cara said as Scott interrupted her again
"I don't think she'll be seeing any more of you! Come on honey! Let's go home" Scott said guiding her to the car
"Your just going to leave like that! He doesn't own you!" Kevin yelled as Scott got in the car himself
"I'm sorry" Cara mouthed
"Cara! Don't do this! He doesn't own you!" Kevin yelled as the car drove away
"Damn it!" Kevin yelled as he punched the wall
"Hey!" Adam yelled as he ran over to him
"She went with him! She fucking went with him!" Kevin yelled as he paced up and down
"Calm down! You can't keep doing this!" Adam yelled
"He's gonna kill her!" Kevin yelled, getting more and more wound up
"Hey! Quit it!" Adam shouted as Kevin slid down the wall
He burst into tears and Adam sat down next to him
"We're going to get him" Adam muttered
Meanwhile Cara and Scott have just arrived home
"I told you he was no good for you!" Scott muttered as he poured himself a scotch
But Cara simply just curled up into a ball on the couch
"Cara! Are you even listening?!" Scott yelled
"Huh? Yeah!" Cara said as she snapped out of it
"You'll be fine now go make me some dinner" Scott said as he turned on the TV
"Got it" Cara said as she got up and walked towards the kitchen

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