Chapter 9 - Meet the parents

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"What'd he do this time?" Kevin asked
"I'm not in the mood today Kev" Cara said as she started to clean up her class
"Your parents are coming into town" Kevin said as he sat down
"Mr and Mrs Hart made their feelings on me very clear 10 years ago" Cara explained
"You know they didn't mean that" Kevin added
*June 2004*
"Your not going to the army! That's a mans job!" Mr Hart yelled
"He's right sweetie" Mrs Hart added
"Seriously! That's all I've ever wanted in life! And you guys can't support that?" Cara yelled
"Your meant to be the "house wife" who cooks and cleans for a wealthy man who earns all the money" Mr Hart yelled
"That's what I did honey" Mrs Hart added
"You know what! I'm going and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Cara yelled
*Present day*
"They did, I can assure you" Cara said as she grabbed her bag and looked at Kevin
"Woah! What the hell happened?!" Kevin said as he looked at her head
"Nothing, I slipped getting out of the shower this morning" Cara said, more cautious about her head
"We both know that's not what happened" Kevin adds
"Yeah well, I'll see you" Cara said before walking away
It's the next morning and Cara is woken up to a loud banging on her door, she answers it to see
"Baby!" Mrs Hart yelled as she hugs her
"Mom? Dad?" Cara replied
"I see you finally saw sense! You quit the Army! We all knew you wouldn't be able to handle it!" Mrs Hart added
"And you married rich! This is a nice house!" Mr Hart said
"Uhh actually I bought this house, on my own. I own it" Cara explained
"What?" Mr Hart asked
"Yeah I guess the army salary isn't all that bad and yes I could handle it. I've been in Afghanistan for 5 years of my life, I've been to France and Australia! Fighting them. So I would think before you make your little comments" Cara explained
Mr and Mrs Hart exchange looks until Scott appears next to Cara
"Who's this?" He asks smiling
"This is my mom, Cindy and my dad, Derek" Cara said
"It's lovely to meet you both!" Scott said
"And who might you be?!" Cindy asked
"Oh I'm Cara's" Scott said before Cara cut him off
"Boyfriend, that's all" Cara replied as Scott grew angrier
"Uhm yeah that's right" Scott said looking Cara up and down
"I'll make the coffee" Cara said with a smug look on her face
"So Scott! Tell us all about you!" Cindy said
After a very long day trying to entertain her parents Cara finally sends them on their way. She is sitting drinking her tea when Scott walks in and flips it. The scolding hot tea flies all over Cara's chest, making her gasp.
"Boyfriend?! You fucking married me Cara!" Scott yelled as he smashed the glass on the wall above Cara's head
"I didn't marry you! You drugged me!" Cara screamed
"I didn't drug you! God why the hell would I do that! You were practically on your knees begging me to marry you! Your pathetic you know that! You need me to survive! Whether you like it or not everything is in my name! All your money, the house, the car. Your fucked if you leave me!" Scott yelled as he gripped Cara's throat
"Do I make myself clear?!" He yelled
"Y-Yes!" Cara said
"Good girl" Scott said as he let go

*Authors Note*
I hope your all enjoying the story! Who do you guys want to be endgame? I was thinking Kevin? But again it's up to you all! It can be anyone from One Chicago! Please leave your preferences in the comments!
Thank you!!

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