Chapter 29 - Court

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It's the next week and Cara is getting ready for her court date. She has brushed out her hair when her phone starts to ring
"Hello?" She answered
"Uhm hey Cara" Kevin said
"Kevin?" Cara asked
"Look I felt bad, I know your Addy's mom and I was wondering if you wanted to take her this afternoon" Kevin offered
"Oh Kevin I would love too but" Cara said as Kevin interrupted her
"Busy again huh? Screwing another firefighter?!" Kevin yelled
"No Uhm court with my abusive ex husband" Cara said
"Oh well Uhm I'm see you later then" Kevin added
"Yeah see you later" Cara said as she hung up
Cara sighed as she put her phone down. She then got ready and headed to the court house. She walked in and passed Scott. She looked him up and down before running into someone
"Oh sorry" She said as she looked up
"Casey?" Cara asked
"I'm figuring since Kev won't be here that I should maybe give you some support?" Casey smiled
"Thank you" Cara smiled
"Cara!" A woman said
"Hey Emily!" Cara smiled as she hugged her
"And who's this?" Emily asked
"Oh this is Matt Casey, Casey this is Emily Hawkins my lawyer" Cara smiled
"Nice to see that Cara has some support" Emily said
"Yeah" Casey smiled
"Anyway we should get in" Emily said as she started to walk away Along with Cara
"Cara?" Casey asked
"Yeah?" Cara said as she smiled
"Kick ass out there" Casey laughed
"I will" Cara said
After about an hour it's Cara's turn to talk
"Miss Hart please state your side of the story" The judge asked
"Uhm so Scott was like any other man I had met, he was kind and loving. However things took a turn Scott would get so angry at...I don't even know but all I know is that he would take it out on me. He would kick me and punch me until they left permanent marks. He would r@pe me daily and one time I fell pregnant with my beautiful daughter" Cara stated as she heard the door open but she chose not to look
"And what happened when you fell pregnant?" The judge asked
"He Uhm nothing stopped. He threatened to terminate my pregnancy at home, Scott wanted a boy like anything father wanting to impress his. However when we found out Addy was a girl he lashed out shall we say, I felt numb after that. A few weeks later I was hospitalised and nearly lost my life because of him." Cara said as tears ran down her face
"That's a load of bullshit! She's lying!!" Scott yelled
Cara flinched as Scott yelled
"Shut him up!" The judge yelled
After another hour it was decision time
"After carefully reviewing the case today, Mr Scott Patterson will be sentenced to...Life in prison." the judge announced
Cara sighed and smiled
"It's over" Emily smiled
Cara then looked at the door to see Casey sitting
"You rock!" Casey mouthed
Cara smiled as her eyes drifted towards the door, she was then shocked to see Kevin who just nodded at her. Kevin then walked out and Cara ran after him
"I can't do this anymore kev!" She yelled
"What?" He said as he turned around
"She's my fucking kid! I carried her for 9 months and then birthed her! I may be a totally shit mom but that doesn't mean that I don't wanna start trying! I'm leaving the army! I'm moving back home, here. You can't just walk in here and take my kid in as your own! I'm taking you to court for her! I'm not letting another little girl grow up without her mom!" Cara yelled as she looked out of the corner of her eye to see Casey smiling

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