Chapter 37 - I just feel so angry all the time...

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It's an hour after the whole incident
"How are you feeling?" Casey asked
"I just feel so angry all the time, what if after everything I've been through something's actually gone wrong inside me? What if I'm becoming bad?" Cara asked
"Hey, your one of the strongest people I know, your going to get through this...Just like you got through everything else" Casey smiled
"Why are you here? Why do you even care? I was so horrible to you" Cara explained
"Because your special Cara. Believe it or not, you mean something to me" Casey said
It's later that night, everyone has gone home. Cara is in her kitchen washing her dishes. She is distracted by something moving in the bushes outside. She begins to panic and grabs a knife. She opens her back door and steps out. It's a cold night, raining heavily. Cara walks down and peers into the bushes, her breathing picking up. However nothings there. She shakes her head before going back inside. She gets on with her night when her door goes. She opens it to see Hailey
"Hey; I heard about everything you okay?" She asked
"I'm alright, come on in" Cara smiled
"Do you want a coffee?" Cara asked
"That would be great" Hailey smiled as she sat down
Cara walks into the kitchen and boils the kettle when her phone begins to flash, she picks it up and sees an unknown number however she answers
"Hello?" Cara asked
No one talks however there's breathing
"Anyone there?" Cara asked
"Fancy making me a cup" A man asked
"Who is this?" Cara asked
"No one important Cara" The man said
Cara quickly hung the phone up
"Everything okay?" Hailey yelled
"Yep! Just making your coffee!" Cara smiled
Cara then walks in and hands Hailey her coffee
"How the hell did he get out?" She asked
"No clue, it's just life I guess" Cara smiled, clearly uncomfortable
"Are you sure your good?" Hailey asked
"Yeah! It's just been a long day but I'm sure Scott will get what's coming to him" Cara smiled
Meanwhile outside
"Oh Cara. I think you'll be getting what's coming to you" Scott said as he lit a match
It's later that night and Hailey has just left, Cara keeps checking her phone but nothing seems to be unusual. She ends up heading to bed. It's 1am and Cara is woken up with a feeling somethings not right. She opens her bedroom door to see the hallway filled with thick black smoke...

*Authors Note*
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! It was just to let you all know that my new story "Mentally" is out! I would be forever grateful if you could give it a little read!

Thank you!

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