Chapter 19 - Nothings going right

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"It's a very small bleed but it's still a bleed" Connor explained
"What are you going to do about it?" Jay asked
"We're gonna go in, fix everything up as I believe there is some prior damage that wasn't fixed" Connor explained as his pager went off
Connor sighed before running out
"Hey? Where'd Kev go?" Hailey asked
"No clue" Jay added
Meanwhile across town Voight and Kevin were at the district
"20 kilos, we're going to plant it in his car. An anonymous phone call goes out to dispatch and viola Scott's behind bars" Voight explained
"As long as we get it done" Kevin agreed
"Where's Addy?" Voight asked as he placed the c*ke into the bag
"With Jordan" Kevin explained as he took the bag from Voight
"Look Kev, she came to me because she didn't wanna see you with blood on your hands" Voight explained
Kevin sighed, then walked out. Voight followed him and they arrived outside of Cara's apartment to discover that Scott isn't home
"Where the hell is he?!" Kevin yelled
"Visiting hours" Voight muttered
"What?" Kevin asked
"It's visiting hours at the hospital and Cara's not in surgery yet" Voight explained as he pulled out his phone
Voight called everyone he could but no one answered
"Shit!" Voight yelled as he started to speed to the hospital
Meanwhile Jay and Hailey had ducked out to get coffee and somehow Scott managed to sneak in. He walked into Cara's hospital room to see her on a breathing machine. He closed the door shortly followed by the curtains. He smirked as he saw Cara lying there
"For once your life is in my hands! I guess you deserve it for being a little bitch" Scott laughed
He walked closer to the machine
Meanwhile Voight is stuck in traffic
"Why the hell aren't they answering?!" Kevin yelled
"Come on!" Voight yelled as he honked his horn
"This is useless! She's going to be dead by the time we get there" Kevin sighed
"Hey! No! Your not doing that! Cara's too young to die! And she's not going down from some lonely ass man who is so insecure that he hits women!" Voight yelled as he turned his sirens on
"What are you doing?" Kevin asked
"If there's ever a time to use the police card it's now" Voight explained as the cars began to move
Back at the hospital Hailey and Jay had just arrived back. Connor walked out in his surgical scrubs and smiled. He went to explain what was happening when a noise came from Cara's room, it sounded almost like a scream. Connor ran in followed by Hailey and Jay. They ran in to see Scott holding the cord to the unplugged life machine, Cara couldn't breath. Scott had a gun in his hand and was pointing it towards Cara
"Scott drop the gun before I drop you!" Jay yelled
"Why should I?! She's useless! She doesn't deserve to be here! Let her die!" Scott yelled as Voight ran in
"Drop it right now Scott!" Voight screamed
"I don't think so" Scott yelled as he pulled the trigger....

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