Chapter 13 - Family Name...

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It's a week later and the day Cara finds out the gender. Scott is driving her and Cara has a dozen missed texts from Kevin
Cara! You can't ignore me!
It's been a day Cara! Your worrying me!
Okay cut the crap! Text me!
You can't go with him!
They arrive and walk in
"It's gonna be a boy, I can feel it!" Scott said as he put his hand on Cara's stomach
"Yeah..." Cara said stopping herself from crying
"Cara Paterson?" The nurse called out as they stood up and followed her
Cara walked in and lay down on the bed, Scott sat next to her, gripping her hand.
"Okay, so here is its feet..." The nurse blabbed on
"Okay! We don't need to see that! Tell me it's a boy! Come on!" Scott yelled
"He's kidding, we're happy as long as it's healthy" Cara muttered, reluctant to look at the scan
"Well I'm pleased to announce that it's a healthy and happy baby girl" The nurse announced as Cara felt her blood run cold
"Oh! Lovely!" Scott forced
"I'm so happy for you both! I'll let you get cleaned up!" The nurse said as she walked out
"What the hell is that?!" Scott yelled as he grabbed Cara's wrist
"I can't do this right now!" Cara yelled
"Oh yes you can! You can't even give me a son!" Scott yelled as he slapped her
"Scott" Cara muttered
"You worthless son of a bitch!" Scott yelled
"Can we just go home" Cara said, rubbing her face
"Fine!" Scott yelled as he grabbed his jacket
Cara cleaned herself up and walked out, on the way to the door she is stopped by a nurse
"Just in case you need it sweetheart" She said as she slipped something into Cara's hand
Cara looked at the note to read the domestic violence hotline along with a shelter that she can go to. She smiles at her and hands the note back to her
"I'm fine but thank you. Save that for someone who needs it" Cara said before walking out
Cara arrived home and Scott walked straight towards the fridge, he pulled out a 6 pack and sat on the couch. After an hour all the cans were empty
"Bitch!" Scott yelled as Cara walked in
"What is it Scott?" Cara asked as she started to pick up the empty cans
"Look at you! Pathetic as always! Picking up after me like you always do! You really are nothing! You can't even give a man a son to carry on his family name!" Scott yelled as he pushed Cara over with his foot
"I'm pathetic?! Really?! I'm not the one who hits woman because he's so alone! I'm not the one who hits women whilst she's pregnant with his kid!" Cara yelled as she got up
"I asked you to get rid of it! No one wants it! No one wants you!" Scott screamed
"Then why the hell did you marry me?! I sure as hell wasn't on my knees begging you to marry me! I never wanted to be Mrs Patterson!" Cara yelled
"Oh really!" Scott yelled as he walked towards her
Scott pulled her by her hair and smiled
"Your lucky your pregnant" He muttered as he walked away
Cara walked out to her car and drove to the district, she walked up and saw Jay sitting along with Kevin
"It's a girl" She muttered
"What?" Kevin asked as he got up followed by Jay
"My baby, it's a little girl" Cara said
"That's great honey" Kevin said softly
"No...No it's not!" Cara said
"What do you mean" Jay asked
"He wanted a boy! To carry on the Patterson name! I couldn't give him that! I'm useless! I'm going no where in life! I can't have a kid then go back to the Army! I just can't do it" Cara yelled as she breaks into tears
"Hey! Hey! It's okay" Kevin said as she fell to the ground and he caught her
"I'm useless!" Cara sobbed
"Shhh" Kevin said as he looked at Jay....

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