Chapter 46 - undercover

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After Cara's chat with doctor Charles she was walking out when her phone went off, she looked at it to see a text from her army Sargent, Cara quickly got in her car and drove to the academy. Maggie was watching over Addy, Cara arrived around 10 minutes later.
"Hart, take a seat" She smiled as Cara sat down
Cara took a look around the room, there was a few soldiers from her class along with some veteran soldiers.
"Your all probably wondering why I called you here. We've recently been informed of a man named Mike Rosco. Lives on the south side of town. Mike has been connected to 7 different murders in one way or another. However they can't quite gather the evidence to pin him to one" The Sargent said
"What does this have to do with us?" Cara asked
"I'm glad you asked, district 21. More specifically the intelligence unit have been trying to pin this murder to him for months. They need us to be there as Mike is known for his bombs, they also want one of you to go undercover. Posing as a new potential client for his casino business" The Sargent explained
"And the woman for the job...Miss hart. You up for it?" The Sargent asked
"More than ever" Cara replied

The next morning rolled around, Cara walked into the district. She was wearing a skin tight black sparkly dress with her hair curled and ruby red lipstick on.
"Woah" Jay said
"It's a change from the green and black uniform" Cara laughed as Kevin walked in
"Didn't know you were working the case" Kevin muttered
"Yeah they wanted a military backup" Cara said
"Oh,great" Kevin said before walking away
"Do I-" Jay said as Voight walked in
"Here's what's going down, Cara will walk in presenting her new whiskey company. She gets under his skin, asks to see the cellar in which is where he hides all the items used in the murders" Voight explained
"You got that hart?" The Sargent asked
"Loud and clear" Cara replied

Cara gets wired up before walking into the club, she sees a tall man sat at the bar. He has dark brown hair, green eyes and has this look about him. Almost a too familiar look.
"Miss Stark, it's a pleasure" Mike said extending his hand
"Oh no the pleasure is all mine" Cara smiled as she rested her hand in his
"Do you care for a drink?" Mike asked letting Cara's hand go
"Who would I be if I said no to your offer" Cara smiled as she sat at the bar
"You seem awfully young to be the owner of such a successful business" Mike said as he poured Cara a glass of wine
"I'm flattered but I'm 30, so not so young any more" Cara smiled as she took a sip of her wine
"Now tell me about this business of yours" Mike smiled...

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