𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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A couple of months later from when Jaden told me about his most traumatizing moment we became stronger. Way stronger, which led me to want to be open about my past even though it was hard for me to talk about it.

"Baby, can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on his door.

"Of course Hayles just wait a second" he answered before I heard the door unlock and he opened it while saying "Come in!"

"I'd just wanted to talk to you..."

"About what?" he questioned.

"My past, if that's okay?" I say as he sits down on the bed.

"Of course it is, come sit down Hayles"

"Thank you..." I sit down beside him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Tell me whatever you want to tell me, I'll listen to whatever you need to talk about" he reassures me.

"Thank you, Jae. You already know that both of my parents died, I'm completely open with that. I'm not open with how they died though and I feel it's really hard to talk about it. My dad committed suicide, he jumped off a bridge. I was the one that figured it out first when I was 9, and that was one of the scariest 911 calls I had to make myself because my mom and brother weren't there"

I take a breath then I decide to continue talking "My mom and brother died in a fatal car crash. They got T-boned and rear-ended at the same time in an intersection which is why I was so worried when you and Jarad got into one. All three deaths happened half a year apart from each other and that's why traumatized me the most and made me the way I am" Jaden grabbed my hand and held it while I continued talking.

"Ever since it happened I've been living with Chase, he's helped me through everything that I've ever been through and that's why he knows everything about me. I never got put up for adoption because his mom took me in right away which I'm so grateful for. If I was put up for adoption, since I was older, I probably wouldn't have got adopted at all so that's one of the ways she saved me. I swear even though it's not by blood, he's always been my brother and still is. I'd honestly be lost without him around" I lay down and stare at the ceiling while Jaden moves so he's faced towards me and I continue talking.

"On more of a family note again I grew up with both mommy and daddy issues. They were always there but never for me, they had all eyes on my brother since he was born and that's why I felt worthless almost all my life up until now. He was 7 when he died though and he never deserved that at all. My mom always cheated on my dad but the same thing happened vice versa and none of them knew for the longest time except me because they'd drop all of their guilt from it out on me. When my mom finally realized my dad was cheating on her, even though she was doing the same to him, she caused one of the biggest fights and that's one of the things that led him to jump the bridge. I was closer with my dad than my mom though, my dad at least found the time to talk to me sometimes, my mom wasn't even bothered by me. It was only till I was 15 that I got properly medicated for my anxiety and depression anyways" I started crying quietly but Jaden heard.

"Haylee, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You never deserved to be treated like that..." He lays down and wraps his arm around me.

"I'm not done talking..." I wipe away my eyes and continue sharing my story.

"Let's move on from my family issues and go to my ex, Nathan. All I gotta say is that he was a hundred times worse than Stokeley ever was to me. I don't know where to fucking start. He abused me verbally and there were aspects where I felt like it was way too much and like he was trying to torture me" I take a breath before I spoke again.

"He used to yell at me and scream at me for hours on end. He also put me down so bad mentally, by the time the relationship between me and him was done my whole room was fully damaged. He threatened me more than once, blamed me for how he acted towards me, and other shit like that. He also grabbed my face a couple of times when I wasn't giving him the attention he wanted. This sounds fucked up but he also locked me in a cold then turned hot basement once for a whole night because I refused to lie to his parents about how he treated me, I swear it felt longer but it was just one" I started crying because I was getting flashbacks from the situation. Jaden tried comforting me while I continued telling him the story.

𝐔 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝) - 𝐀 𝐣𝐱𝐝𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now