𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟗

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Ally's wedding just finished and it was time for the reception. Me and Jae were heading to the venue for the reception. It was a cocktail hour so we weren't worried to get there right on time, Jarad and Ally weren't gonna be there till near the end of it anyways.

"You know, I'm really happy for them! They deserve it" Jaden said as I agreed "They truly do, honestly I knew it was gonna happen, their relationship is so strongly put together" I smiled. In 20 minutes we were there, Jaden parked and we both got out and walked inside. Everyone was mingling together

"Baby, I'll see you after. I'm gonna go see if I can find the boys"

"Okay, love you! See you after. Don't forget they both asked up to speak"

"Wouldn't forget that in a lifetime" he said before walking to find the guys, I just minded my own business and went into a corner for the time because I wanted Jaden to have fun with his friends but then Ally's mom came over and we talked the whole Cocktail Hour.

15 minutes left and the organizer was bringing us to the seating arrangements. As soon as everyone was settled in Ally and Jarad walked in. They decided to do their first dance right now to Jarad's song Teen Romance but it was acoustic with no vocals. It was honestly the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I had tears in my eyes for no reason.

After that, Jarad and Ally both said a thank you to everyone that attended the reception then they sat down. The catering crew introduced the food for the night and there was a buffet. Our table served first then everyone else's. We spend 45 minutes eating then the toasts were starting.

Ally's mom went up to the stand to speak first "Hi everyone and welcome! Thank you so much for coming out to see this wonderful day. I'm Tess, Ally's mother and best friend. So I could never let this moment pass on without saying something. Firstly, I like to say thank you to Matt for helping me raise such a beautiful and caring girl, you might not be the baby daddy but you sure were the role of the father in her life. When Ally was younger she was always into drawing and photography, she drew everything she saw and photographed everything with a camera when she got one on her 5th Christmas. Ally is the most creative woman I know, when she saw something she always made it her creation. Hence why I knew as soon as she told me she was getting married I knew she would make it work, especially with Jarad by her side. I first knew about Jarad when Ally sent me a text and wrote "Mom I met this amazing guy at Shake Shack today and he does music, his looks are handsome and he seems like an amazing guy" she was 14 when she sent this message so I was a little iffy. A couple of months later she had turned 15 and Jarad's mom invited me and Ally over for dinner. We went to this buffet and Jarad handed me a present and that seemingly simple gesture showed me what a very thoughtful and considerate man Jarad is. I feel confident in my daughter's decision to spend her life with Jarad because I know she'll be with a man who puts her needs and desires first. Marriage is about support, understanding, and love. This is why I know Ally and Jarad will have a wonderful and lasting marriage and why I couldn't be more excited to welcome Jarad into our family. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and a love that only continues to grow with each wonderful year you two share together. Everyone, please raise your glass. Cheers to my new son and my daughter, the most beautiful bride. To Ally and Jarad!" she said as she walked off of the stand and Ally hugged her and said "Mom, I love you so much. Thank you!"

Jarad's mom then went up on the stand "Hello everyone! I'm Carmella, and I'm so grateful to be here today for my son as the groom for this wedding. I want to thank you all for being here today. It's such a special occasion and it's been made more meaningful by having each of you with us today to celebrate. Jarad has always had a heart for music, since he was around 5 years old, he started playing guitar when he was around 10 and practised singing around the same time. I was a bit of a hardcore mom when it came to listening to rappers and the music he wanted to listen to so he always went over to his best friend's house to listen to the music he wanted. I've witnessed my son show love for music from when he was just a little boy through to becoming the amazing man he is today. Little did we all know, that's how he met his amazing wife. When I first met Ally, just a causal 15-year-old, she came to meet Jarad for a date and she greeted me at the door with a bouquet of flowers, roses, and the book I wanted to read for a while. Over the years, I've witnessed Ally truly care about Jarad and adore him to the fullest extent. When I think about these completely selfless and thoughtful gestures that Ally gave and still gives, it warms my heart to know that my family will be surrounded by this kind of love as she joins our family today. Marriage is about two people supporting each other through the joyful and difficult times in life. It brings me such joy to know that Jarad and Ally will be that support for each other. Let's raise our glass to Jarad and Ally. Today we celebrate your wedding and may you continue to celebrate your marriage from this day forward" she says as everyone claps and I stand up.

"You got this Baby!" Jaden says as I walk up to the stand.

"If you haven't had the chance to meet me yet, which I'm sure most of you haven't yet, my name is Haylee and I'm a Maid of Honour today. Ally and I have been best friends for around 2 years now but if genuinely it feels like it's been a lifetime. When you asked me to be your Maid of Honour I was surprised but I was so thrilled that I got to be a part of your journey. I cannot put into words how much you mean to me. You know that I'm so happy for you and Jarad. And I will be rooting for your relationship for the rest of my life. When we first met in the backroom of one of Jarad's concerts, I was going through an extremely hard time but we automatically clicked. You taught me to be strong and always strive to be my best self. There were times when I would almost lose it, then a phone call from you would make things so much better. I wanna start off today by telling you both how stunning you look today! One of the best memories we've ever had was when we spent the day at Disneyland because neither of us had ever been and we ending up spending the rest of the night at a drive-in. I have got to say that that was one of the best days I've ever had. Jarad, this is who you're dealing with! A woman who has adventure, is super caring, and is a total badass. My wish if I get to have one is for everyone to have an Ally in their life. She is the most loving and caring person that I've ever met. All she wants to do is make sure you're being the best version of yourself and if you're not she'll make you get there. At the end of the day, she just wants everyone to be happy in their own body. When you got engaged, I knew that this would be the best decision you've ever made. The smile you both put on each other's faces are great and I know you two will be happy forever with each other. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this and I want to wish you all the love and happiness. Now let's toast to Ally and Jarad!" I said as I got off the stage and she hugged me and started crying.

"God Haylee, I fucking love you so much. Thank you" she said before I said "I love you too" then sat down and Jaden was the last one to speak.

"Hello! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jaden, the best man, even though Jarad's the best man I've ever met. I'd like to start by saying thanks to Tess, Carmella and Haylee for saying their toasts, thank you for coming up with and having the courage to say them in front of everyone today. I was honoured but so shocked when Jarad asked me to be his best man but here I am. And where do I begin? I've known Jarad since middle school, and he's the best thing that's ever happened to me, other than my wonderful girlfriend, but that's a topic for another day. I first met Jarad in mathematics class when he sat beside me because there were no other spaces and honestly, it was the best class of my entire life. Since then, things have grown progressively better. We've been through a lot together, probably everything you could think of but most significantly of all the band that I and him started together with our other two friends. It was years ago when Jarad met Ally, they were both 14 at the time. It ended up being the best thing that's ever happened to him in my opinion. After dating for more than a decade, Jarad finally asked Ally to marry him and really the rest is history. So, I ask you all know to join me in a final toast to the future happiness of the bride and groom. To Mr. and Mrs. Higgins; may their life together bring them much happiness and let the future bring them to where they wanna go! To Jarad and Ally!" he says before coming off of the stage and sitting down beside me again.

Jarad went to go dance with his mom while Ally went dancing with hers. After they were done the actual partying starting, it lasted for a couple of hours then it was cake time.
Ally and Jarad both went over to the cake and started cutting it, but I took a picture before it got cut. They gave some to their parents and Matt, then me and Jaden, then Gus' Stokeley and Chase, then everyone else.

I headed back over to the table with Jaden. When they finished cutting the cake they went straight to the bouquet and garter toss. Ally went to get ready first.

"Jae, keep my cake for me. I'm gonna go join" I said laughing before he said "Good we need the luck"

I went into the group of girls that were there and Only Girl by Rihanna started playing. Around a minute later Ally tossed it back and I thought I wasn't gonna catch it but I did.

"GO, GIRL! YES!" Ally said as she walked over and we went to go sit down and I said to Jaden "When's our wedding date" I laughed and so did he.

The garter toss was next and they started playing Suga Suga by Baby Bash and all I could say is there were good song selections for both of them. Jaden said we had all the luck we needed so he didn't join and that was his defence but 1 minute into the song Jarad threw a garter and Gus caught it. Everyone talked and continued to eat their cake. An hour later there was a "Last Call" for cocktails then there was the final dance afterwards. After that everyone started heading out and I could say it was the best night I've ever had and I was proud for them.

𝐔 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝) - 𝐀 𝐣𝐱𝐝𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now