𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟕

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Jarad's POV
As Stokeley finished his speech I went on to mine, Ally's was next and she looked nervous but I can't lie. I think we're all having a tough time dealing with today because Haylee was the superglue of this house.

"As everyone has started off their speeches today, I'd like to say a quick quote that I wanted to share with you guys today, it is from the animated movie Ratatouille and it says 'If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead'. I decided to state this quote because of the state of mind we're all in today and have been for the last month. To have grief around this situation is completely normal though"

"The casual a few summers ago concert story is the same for me as well so I don't wanna replay that story again but the first thing that she did that stood out to me was how fast she clicked with Ally. I knew Ally's past but I didn't know Haylee's at the time so when I saw close they got along I was happy for both of them. One of Haylee's biggest accomplishments was to make someone that was in a really dark place find the light in their life"

"She stood on towers of her high beliefs some of which she talked out on publicly some of which she only talked to between our groups. Some of the ones that have been openly talked about tonight were where she stands on mental health and body positivity but some of the ones who only some people knew about were her beliefs on the school education system and how most things can be justified with the right reasoning"

"To be positive in any situation was one of her strengths as everyone has stated already. Having a bad day? She was cheering you up. Having a good day? She was chilling with you if you wanted to"

"Obtaining the strengths to complete accomplishments was something she did well also. Musically, in the community, in her online presence, and in other spaces she repeatedly accomplished things. No matter if that was standing up for something she believed in, getting an award, or something else to do with her accomplishments. She never stopped completing accomplishments, even if they were just small sometimes"

"Inspiring people was also a strength of hers. As her following was 9 million by the time she passed she influenced them as well as the people she was closer to. She always cared about everyone no matter what her situation was with them, she was always an enthusiastic person by showing passion and interest in so many things, she also was a person who could keep secrets from everyone which is how she gained people's trust as she was just a very trusting person"

"I'm gonna finish this up now on my behalf, I decided I didn't want my speech to take up a lot of time as there were more people who had bigger stories but what I will say is try to stay positive throughout these times as she would've wanted you to do so. Thank you to everyone who came to listen to our speeches today and I will be passing the stand on to Ally, Haylee's best friend. Lastly, I will say, Haylee, you might not be able to hear us at all but we all love you and you were one of the chilliest people I've ever met"

𝐔 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝) - 𝐀 𝐣𝐱𝐝𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now