𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖

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Ally's POV
The past speeches have been really tough for me to listen to but I have to get through my speech. As soon as Jarad sat down I stood up and went on the stand.

"To say thank you is an understatement so I'd like to start off by saying I appreciate and am thankful for everyone for coming to her memorial today. It's been an extremely difficult month for me, not only because she died but because of the grief I've held onto. This speech took me weeks to write because of the state of mind I was in but when you promise something, even if it's not verbally, you still need to keep that promise. In my case, speaking on how I feel and how she lived her life"

"To start us off with a quote, I'll like to quote mine with a quote by Steve Rogers from the movie Captain America: Civil War. The franchise that both me and Haylee adored to an insane amount. The quote reads 'I know you were only doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do, it's all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there' I chose this quote specifically because it reminds me of we were always there for each other no matter what"

"Me and Haylee met 3 summers ago, she was 19, the most caring and generous 19-year old I've ever met. I was 22. It was during a concert that was held by GBC which was and still is the band that Stokeley, Gus, Jarad, and Jaden are in. We bonded straight away and I was so grateful for her, from there on out I knew she would be my best friend, and I wasn't mistaken"

"For someone to believe in something unconditionally is what she did. Above everything she always believed in staying positive, it was what she did best. Along with not judging people for anything about themselves. Body positivity and mental health awareness were all some of the things she stood highly on"

"I would list all of the significant events she's been through in her life but we would be here for days and days so I'd like to share a bit about our friendship and how she impacted me because I do feel that's a seriously significant event I feel she would've wanted me to speak on"

"For 3 years straight we've gotten more close so when I was one of the people beside her when she passed I was in a horrible state of mind and unfortunately I still am. For her though, she was the person I turned to when things got rough. She knew all my secrets, relationship problems, my drama with other people, and my fears. For me, she was the same. No secrets between us, nor have we ever lied to each other. Honesty was our key"

"For the accomplishment half of things, she accomplished a lot in the three years I knew her. Starting with releasing and writing her own song to being the only bridesmaid at my wedding because she's been unconditionally loyal to me. She's also been there for everyone even at her darkest times. There are not a lot of people who do that. She's done bigger and better things and she's also done the small simple things, but everything she's done counts as her accomplishments"

"First thing she ever said to me was 'Thank you but look at you you're stunning, and you seem so nice already'. That's stuck with me since she said it and it meant so much to me, it still does..."

"Why does someone who means so much to many people decide it was their time? The question still ponders my mind but what I know 100% is that it wasn't her fault"

"I'm gonna wrap it up shortly but I'd like to state that she was an optimist living in a pessimist's body. She could've been negative about so many things in her life but she chose to be and stay positive throughout some of her toughest moments. To make people happy is the bare minimum but to make someone feel ecstatic is what Haylee Andrews did"

"I'm deciding to end the night here but thank you for everyone who came here to remember Haylee for the good things she's done and even for her flaws, we all truly appreciate it and she would've appreciated it as well. To respect someone who passed is the best thing to do even while dealing with the grief that's held on with it. We enter the world crying and cold, who would have thought we'd go out the same way. Time will bring us together again. I love you, Haylee, you'll always mean the world to me no matter if you're here or not"

The end.

𝐔 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 (𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝) - 𝐀 𝐣𝐱𝐝𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now