17-✨💦Comfort💦✨ Gonta x sad Reader

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(hello! I just thought it'll be super adorable if our gentleman comfort us in our sad times, enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

killing game included

Reader's pov:

I was sitting alone, away from everyone as I didn't feel alright at all. it's already been days and this killing game won't seem to stop.. so I stayed in my room with tears in my eyes, feeling hopeless..

you heard knocking on the door


"(Y/N)? You there?? Gonta didn't find u at the cafeteria again, so he guesses they are still at their dorm! sorry for disturbing but Gonta is worried!!"
You looked at the door as you didn't expect any visitors '..is that Gonta?...' as much as you don't want to talk to anyone, you can't deny this gentleman.

Gonta knocks again "(Y/N)?" you quickly wipes away tears "c-come in.." 
with that Gonta entered your room with no hesitation. "hey (Y/N)! I hope you're doing well.." you didn't answer bc you didn't have the energy to, but you really don't want to worry Gonta so you just shrugged.

Gonta smiled sadly as he already know you're not fine, he approached you and sat down on the bed "Gonta haven't seen you in a while, Gonta missed you" you looked at him for a second blushing a bit then you broke eye contact immediately as you were holding back tears 'why is he being nice to me?..'

Gonta was quiet for a moment then he gasped "oh Gonta have an idea!" you raised an eyebrow in confusion, before you could figure out what's going on, you felt two strong arms embracing your small figure and pulled you close towards them.

turns out Gonta gave you a hug.

"Gonta don't like (Y/N) being sad.. so Gonta makes them feel better by hugs!!"
you almost burst out in tears because of how wholesome and kind this boy is. you just feel so lucky to have somebody who really cares about you even at your worse times.

"Thank you.. your my only hope in this cruel game..."

(Gonta don't even have to do anything and I will appreciate and love it so much!!😩👌💖💖💖✨✨ but anyways I hope you enjoyed, I'll see you in the next chapter! take care and stay safe! x3👋))

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(Gonta don't even have to do anything and I will appreciate and love it so much!!😩👌💖💖💖✨✨ but anyways I hope you enjoyed, I'll see you in the next chapter! take care and stay safe! x3👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now