34-✨🙌Support🙌✨ Female Gonta x stressed Reader

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(I wanted to make this extra wholesome so my lovely readers can have a moment with female Gonta uwuwU💖 this was requested by Ava-the-Night-Angel! their idea was good and I was like 'why not' so here we are! hope u like it and enjoy!! x33))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was on my way back to my house after a really stressful day, I just really wanna get this day over with. oh did I mention that Gonta and I live together? yea usually at this time she isn't home until later on, so I have the place all for myself, alone with my thoughts..

when I opened the door and entered, to my surprise Gonta was on the couch watching TV 'Dang it! I guess she came home early' I really don't wanna disturb or worry her with my problems so I'll try to ignore it for now.

Gonta heard you walking in and she smiled widely "heyo (Y/N)! how was your day??" hearing her voice made your heart melt, you forced a smile and said "it's alright I guess, it was something.." Gonta somehow sensed something wrong and asked you "was it good?" you can't lie to her so you avoided eye contact smiling awkwardly, Gonta understood the situation and said "..was it bad?" with that you dropped your acting and looked down sadly, nodding.

the girl's eyes soften then opened her arms "come here butterfly.." you blushed at the nickname then approached her, she embraced you and pushed your head on her chest while patting it, it was silent for a moment until Gonta broke it by saying "it's okay (Y/N), talk to Gonta, Gonta is here to help you in any way she can!" that broke the little wall you build and you let out a sob and hugged her "take your time sweetheart.." added Gonta.

after calming down a bit, you told her what you've been through, how stressful school was and how much you feel like you aren't doing great. even so Gonta don't get it that much, she's still listening and showing that she really cares.

she kissed your forehead while wiping away your tears and gently grabbed your chin and lift it up showing you her sweet smile "it's gonna be okay (Y/N)! don't push yourself too hard, ok? your best is good enough and Gonta is really proud!! Gonta is always here to support her partner!"

you blushed and looked at your lovely girlfriend with sparkles in your eyes, you just love her so much and to add up with what she said, it made all the stress and the bad feelings vanish. so you let out a relaxed sigh and closed your eyes while nuzzling her.

with a little more time, you fell asleep on Gonta with a smile on your face, Gonta gave you one last kiss on your head then closed her eyes to sleep while she was protectively hugging you.

with a little more time, you fell asleep on Gonta with a smile on your face, Gonta gave you one last kiss on your head then closed her eyes to sleep while she was protectively hugging you

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(AWWW SO ADORABLE!!✋😩👌❤️💖❤️💖❤️✨ I love how this turned out!! X33💖💖 I hope y'all also enjoyed! take care and stay safe!! :DD👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now