65-✨🎡A Date with the gentleman🎡✨ Gonta x Reader

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(heya! we gon take our gentleman on a date![I know nothing about this type of things so legit idk wot i'm doing so I hope this is fine lmao-] enjoy!! >:3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I love Gonta and I really care for him. he's just kind, very sweet and the most wonderful person out there. that's why I asked him out on a date.

I didn't even plan it- or should I say I did but unintentionally?? I panicked when I'm suppose to be confessing so basically it came out of nowhere aha.. I'm not even ready.. what did I get myself into--


you were walking back and forth, waiting by the blossom tree trying to calm yourself down, you asked Gonta to meet you here but you literally can't control your shaking body 'why am I shaking?? it's not that hard it's just a simple 'I love you, wanna be together?' I can do it! I can't mess up or practicing went wasted'

as I was fighting with my own thoughts I didn't notice Gonta approaching me "Hey (Y/N)!" you jumped by the sudden voice, stood straight and faced the gentleman blushing "Gonta would you go out on a date with me?!" 'Oh god.. THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO SAY' Gonta blushed and looked at you surprised "h-huh? y-you want Gonta to go with you on a.. d-date??" asked Gonta with confusion in his voice.

you inhaled looking at him with a serious face, trying not to break 'character' "yes! do you accept?!" the entomologist rubbed his cheek shyly "Gonta mean.. yeah! yes of course Gonta want to!!" you smiled awkwardly and said "alright! i'll pick you up around 12, dress up and i'll do the rest, see ya!!" with that you ran away as fast as you can.

*flashback end*

you faceplant your pillow crying mentally 'what.was.T H A T.  why did I say that huhu- I didn't even prepare for anything!! ok calm down, this is what I kind of wanted, right? but like- what if he don't like it??-'

you lightly slapped yourself 'no I can't judge yet, i'll make sure he'll have fun!' with that you got up determind and got dressed.


you arrived at Gonta's house and stood infront of it fixing your (dress/tuxedo/anything u like to wear) "alright i'm here.. I hope he's ready" you mumbled flustered and knocked on the door. it opened and it was...

oh god it's  h i s  m o t h e r - -

I started sweating a bit as Gonta's family don't really like me for some reason, she was glaring at me which I coughed nervously and said "hello ma'am! is Gonta ready to go?" she gave me a look which made me shiver and called out "Gonta your date is at the door" "coming!!" you heard from a distance.

you smiled as you were exicted to see your soon to be gentleman but your expression changed immediately as his mother faced you again "you better bring him home safe and sound, alright?" you saluted her quickly "don't worry Mrs Gokuhara! your son is in very good hands, promise!!" she huffed and looked away which made you tap your foot while looking away also to not make things more awkward.

"what did Gonta miss?" you heard before turning to see.. what only you can describe, an angel. your jaw almost dropped at how stunning and magnificent this boy is.

Gonta was also admiring you, so you both were staring at each other blushing.

"sooo are you both leaving or just gonna stare at each other?" his mother said before shaking her head. "o-oh! my apoligies mother! Gonta and (Y/N) are going now, goodbye!" with that he gently put his hand behind your back and lead you both outside while closing the door behind him.

"u-um Gonta was embarrassed to do this infront of parent so" he gave you a bouquet of your favorite flowers which made you gasp "Gonta thought you'll love this.." you gently grabbed them "thank you Gonta.. its really pretty! are you ready to go?" "yep! lead the way (Y/N)!!"


you both went to the theme park, you thought it'll be a good idea since Gonta told you he didn't go somewhere like this before, well today it's his lucky day!

first you both bought ice cream and started walking around admiring your surrondings. then you had an idea, what if you win a prize and gift it to Gonta?

you pointed "hey Gonta wanna play that game? if you win they'll give you a big prize!" Gonta looked over while licking his ice cream "ooh intersting let's go!" with that you both walked there.

you both got infront of the stand "this one you're suppose to knock all three blocks off with one throw!" you explained while paying to play "i'll start if you don't mind?" you asked him "oh sure! you can do it (Y/N)!!" 'gosh how much I love this boy' you thought smiling while you grabbed a ball to start playing.

first try you missed 'ok I got it this time', second you also missed 'probably this time, third time the charm!' you throw the ball andddd.. you missed again. you looked in dissapointement as you really wanna win the teddy bear "ow man.. well that's unfortunate"

Gonta finished his ice cream and walked towards you "allow Gonta!" he grabbed the ball and throw it and... it somehow knocked down 3 stacks of them!!

"woah! very impressive!!" you clapped amazed, he just won three prizes at the same time! the owner gave you a teddy bear, a bunny and a cat plushies!!(idk if that's possible- but moving on!xd)) you squealed happily "aww they are so cuteee! thank you Gonta!!" Gonta rubbed the back of his head and giggled "it's nothing really! it's a gentleman duty to help!!" You grinned and booped him with the plushy which made him laugh.

You choose a different game, this time it needs to be easier so you'll win a prize and impress Gonta!!

after that you both went to a restaurant and eat while chatting happily.

finally it's the end of the day and you walked Gonta home, now you both stood infront of his home "I hope you had fun today.." you rubbed your arm and smiled "Gonta had a lot of fun! hope we do that again someday!!" Gonta replied joyfully.

"hehe yeah me too!" it was silent for a moment until you inhaled and called his name "..hey Gonta?" the gentleman hummed 'it's now or never' you thought and looked away "I just want to say.. that I have been having feelings for you these past few mouths and I can't keep it to myself anymore.. s-so" you looked at him in the eyes nervously.

"will Gonta be (Y-Y/N)'s gentleman?.."

Gonta gasped and he covered his mouth a bit then let out a giggle, you didn't understand if that was a good or a bad sign so you just blushed in embarressment while waiting for his answer nervously.

Gonta got closer to you and gently grabbed your hands while smiling softly "Gonta always wanted to be with (Y/N).. Gonta so happy to know that (Y/N) feel the same!!" he raised your hands towards his lips and kissed them which made you blush even more.

"Gonta kiss partner's hands like a gentleman!"

(WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEZGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!--LIKE THIS TOOK DAYS OPEZJFPOZEJFPO[as to think of how to do it XD] also one of the longest stories I've written holy moly, idk why I struggled to make this, this got me googling things I never thought ...

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(WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEZGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!--LIKE THIS TOOK DAYS OPEZJFPOZEJFPO[as to think of how to do it XD] also one of the longest stories I've written holy moly, idk why I struggled to make this, this got me googling things I never thought I'll google in my life lmao I LOVE IT THO!! XDD💖💖 bruh if Gonta ever approached me, reached for my hands and kisses them. a body will be discovered cuz I will have like 4 heartattacks XwX👌💖💞💓💕✨✨ I hope you also enjoyed! have an amazing weekend my beloved readers and goodbye!! x33👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now