26-✨❓confusion❔✨ Gonta x Reader x Mastermind Gonta

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("I need a one shot about this like HOH--" was my comment when I did this art[bottom one-], imma achieve past Rod's wish now so here we go! enjoy!! >:DD))
(also made a new drawing but this one with my mastermind Gonta's design! the other one is zipperqwerty[check them out they have amazing art!!]'s Mastermind Gonta design so yep! XD))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

killing game is included

Reader's pov:

'this is not real, I refuse to believe this!!' fighting with my own thoughts while running away isn't the best thing to do, but learning the truth about the true identity of the mastermind is even worse..

..Gonta Gokuhara.. the boy you used to love and care for...

my lungs were burning because of running but I can't stop, I got to get away from him, he killed all of our friends but kept me alive and now he's trying to get me 'why?! of all people, why me!?!' I asked over and over, with tears in my eyes, hoping for an answer.

as I was about to take a corner, I suddenly bumped into something hard and fell down... at least that's what I thought, instead strong arms grabbed me and put me down gently on the floor, keeping me balanced.

it took me a minute to process what happened, when I came back to my senses I turned pale from fear as I already know who helped me, I tried to run again but it was too late as he quickly grabbed me.

I started crying even more and I closed my eyes trying to push him off me, but that's just impossible "no please! let me go I don't wanna die please!!" ".." he said something but I couldn't hear because I was panicking and shaking so much.

with that he grabbed my shoulders and shouted a bit "(Y/N) it's okay! it's Gonta!!" when I opened my eyes I saw that it was indeed Gonta, I was about to close my eyes again because I was too scared as I thought my life was over, I noticed he's wearing his usual suit and he had a worried expression on his face.

"...Gonta?.." I somehow calmed down a bit "yes Gonta! look!" he grabbed both of my cheeks making me look at him "see? (Y/N) see Gonta like Gonta see his little butterfly!"

My eyes soften a bit but immediately widen as I come to a realization "n-no!" I backed away from him "y-you're trying to trick me so I'll go with you! you..you're the mastermind I'm not falling for your trap!!"

"huh? G-Gonta don't understand?? Gonta is not the mastermind! but Gonta must protect you! there's someone out there trying to murder us!" Gonta said trying to calm me down but that made it worse as I was crying so hard grabbing my head in frustration "w-what are you talking about!! I-I saw you.. I saw you kill them all!! why are you trying to hide that away when it's obviously you?!" Gonta looked surprised then hurt because he thought that you were accusing him "G-Gonta really don't understand what (Y/N) is talking a-about, why does (Y/N) keep saying it's Gonta?? it's not him, Gonta swears!!"

"they are probably talking about this Gonta.."

another voice came from behind me that sent shivers down my spine, I squealed as I quickly turned around to see.... ANOTHER GONTA?! I was so shocked that I froze in place while I was staring in fear and so much confusion. Gonta was shocked too that he's mouth was agape "i-is that Gonta??" the other Gonta stared at both of us then smiled widely.

(I'll call mastermind Gonta MGonta and Gonta stays as Gonta to not confuse y'all and myself XDD👌))

"umm?? something on MGonta's face?? pfft the look on both your faces is so funny! not even MGonta know what's going on or why there's another one of himself haha! well in that case, i'll just kill you too and take (Y/N)!!"

I backed away in fear and bumped into Gonta, you didn't notice but Gonta's face changed into a serious one and was glaring at MGonta. "n-no not him! I-I can't lose him too!! enough already!!!" you cried out, MGonta put his hand on his heart pretening that he got hurt and said "owww but what about MGonta?? MGonta is gonna be there for you, don't you get it?" he approached you, smilling even widely if that's even possible "MGonta will show you."

I screamed in fear and covered my face crying, not wanting to see what he's gonna do to me.. but rather I felt both hands grab my shoulders from behind, I looked up to see Gonta glaring at the mastermind "don't even think about hurting (Y/N).." MGonta stood infront of me and grinned widely glaring back at the gentleman "hehe oh yeah?? what are you going to do anyways?" he raised his hand and grabbed my cheek which made me flinch.

I don't even know how to feel anymore, I was staring back and forth at Gonta and MGonta. I was so scared, feeling despair but still hopeful? and mostly very confused. two Gontas, one evil and one good, fighting over me.

I can't do anything but just watch them and see who'll win...

(brUH! just W O W!! I didn't expect this to be good! I was gonna give up because I couldn't figure out what to do but I'm glad I kept going!! I legit wrote Gonta so many time that I lost count lol XDDD👌 who y'all think will win?? Both r strong so...

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(brUH! just W O W!! I didn't expect this to be good! I was gonna give up because I couldn't figure out what to do but I'm glad I kept going!!
I legit wrote Gonta so many time that I lost count lol XDDD👌
who y'all think will win?? Both r strong so I really can't decide :0)

(but anyways I hope you also enjoyed this chapter, until next time take care and stay!! ^^👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now