102- ✨💋Kiss Kiss Fall In Love💓✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Heya pals! I hope you're having a lovely day and enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was in my room waiting for Gonta to arrive, I invited him to come hang out with me in my dorm which he agrees to but he had to do something before coming.

So to pass the time, I was tidying up my room to make it look nice since it was a bit messy.

*a bit of timeskip*

As I was daydreaming, I hear knocking 'Yes he's finally here!' I thought excitedly as I open the door "Howdy Gonta! you finally showed up, come in" I opened the door all the way so he can come in "Hey (Y/N)! Gonta was going to show you something so he had to look for it, sorry if he's late" He said while entering.

"Oh no problem, what you got for me?" I asked while closing the door behind me, he stretches out his arms showing me what he's holding "Gonta brings a book about bugs! Gonta wants to present different insects to you, if that's okay?" he happily asked.

"Yeah of course!" I answered right away, even so I don't really like bugs that much I can't deny the gentleman besides he's really adorable when he talks about the things he loves!

"Oh yay let's do this!" He sits down on my bed and pats the spot besides him "come sit next to Gonta!" he smiled, I did what he told me and lean over to show him that i'm interested. He opens the book and starts explaining while pointing at different types of bugs.

As he was explaining, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind and it's to kiss Gonta's cheek.. I don't know why but seeing him so close and talking with such an excited yet soft voice makes me wanna pepper him with lots of kisses.

I was staring at Gonta as he pushes back his glasses while he was reading 'God he's so beautiful' I thought as I was leaning forward without realizing.

To my surprise.. It didn't end up like I planned, when I was about to kiss Gonta's cheek, he turns his head towards me curious on why I was staring at him... and...




..I give Gonta a kiss on the lips...

I feel like time stops, I froze in my spot trying to process what happened.

And when I finally did, I squeal as I immediately leans away and jumps back but since I was on the bed, I didn't realize I jumped so high that I fell to the other side as my whole face become red.

"a-ah! (Y-Y/N) are you okay?!" exclaimed Gonta as he looks over the bed to see me covering my face.

I separated my hands to see Gonta looming over me, a faint tint of red on his cheeks. He looked confused before he brightly smiles then giggling "hehe what was that about?"

"o-oh um.. t-that was an accident I was going for the cheek-" I quickly covered my mouth while widening my eyes "wait I mean--" I added right away but it was too late as he heard me already so I turn around facing the wall in defeat 'good job (Y/N) you totally made it better' I thought sarcastically.

Gonta chuckled and walks towards me crouching down "(Y/N) it's fine! don't feel bad" he said as he put a hand on my shoulder which made me turn a bit "...you're not mad?" I quietly said "mad? why would Gonta be mad? besides Gonta didn't mind.. He actually liked it..." He mumbled the last part but since I was close to him I heard it which made me blush madly.

There was an awkward silence for a moment before Gonta added "..can Gonta... kiss you too?" he said while rubbing his red cheek with his finger, I sit up freezing like a deer in headlights while looking at him blankly.

I was waiting for him to say he was joking but he was looking back at me smiling innocently, I blushed even more if that's even possible and tug on my shirt collar to release the hot air "ah- y-yeah sure"

He genly cups my cheeks, looking at me lovingly which made my heart beats in a very fast pace, He leans in and pecks me on the lips which made me explode mentally.

"hehe there! we shared the same thing!!" he giggles then holds both my hands "does that mean Gonta and (Y/N) are together now?" he added looking at me with sparkles in his eyes blushing.

I couldn't stop blushing and now i'm speechless, I let out a bunch of stutters trying to answer him but to no avail, so I used my head instead and I nodded a bunch of times smiling widely.

I couldn't stop blushing and now i'm speechless, I let out a bunch of stutters trying to answer him but to no avail, so I used my head instead and I nodded a bunch of times smiling widely

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(I got lost on how to finish this but good enough I guess xd hope you enjoyed! goodbye and take care!! Uwu👋))

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(I got lost on how to finish this but good enough I guess xd hope you enjoyed! goodbye and take care!! Uwu👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now