112-✨🛏️Sleeping Beauty🛏️✨ Sleepy Gonta x Reader

186 9 28

(Heya y'all! sorry for not uploading much but I hope today's chapter will make up for it, enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message



It was night and the announcement has already been done, as always, I went to Gonta's room to wish him a good night's sleep before going to bed myself.

The thing is, he wasn't in his dorm which made me worried, the door was unlocked and before entering I said "Gonta? I'm coming in..." and got in the room to find it empty even the bathroom's door was wide open and again no sight of Gonta.

At this point, I begin to panic but tried not to worry too much 'He's fine, He's alright' I kept repeating in my head, trying to convince myself while speed walking to his lab, knocking, opening the door, finding nobody.

Panic and fear rises within me, I started sprinting outside trying to find the ultimate entomologist, that's the last place I could think about on where he could be.

I didn't want to disturb the others since it's sleeping time and there's plenty of places I didn't look at yet, if I can't find Gonta completely then I have to call for help.

I instantly went to the garden, the place where me and Gonta usually hangs out in 'surely the big guy is there, right?' I thought, hoping for an answer.

Out of breath and finally arriving... there he is, lying peacefully by the tree with his eyes closed.

Without thinking, I immediately went to him and crouched down to his level, thinking that he's injured.. or even worse....

But he was breathing, I can see his chest rising and falling, no sight of injuries either so that's a big relief. With that, finally I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

'If he's not injured or anything... why is he here? Didn't he hear the night announcement?? He must of accidentally sleep..' I thought while looking at the gentleman with a tiny smile, finally I take action and gently reach over to wake him up.

I mean if I could, I would lift him up and put him to bed but sadly that's just impossible, that's why the only choice is to wake him up.

With a quiet voice I said "..Hey, G-Gonta wake up.." at first, the boy didn't move until the second nudge which made him open his eyes half way, he slowly turns to look at me confused "oh.. it's just (Y/N)..." and he starts closing his eyes again.

With a bit of panic, I nudge him once more and whisper again "Hey now don't fall back to sleep! you're not in your room" but that didn't phase him whatsoever 'is he that tired?? poor thing how am I gonna get you to bed?' I thought worriedly.

It didn't take long until I grab Gonta's hand and start to gently pull it, as if it's gonna work but at least i'm trying "come... on..! ngh.. I can't.. leave you.. here!" I said trying to get him up, but no success in that "surprisingly" I said to myself sarcastically.

Gonta wakes up slightly, then looks at his surrounding "why is Gonta outside?.. and why is (Y/N) outside too at such a late hour?.." mumbles Gonta while rubbing his eyes.

I stop what I was doing and grin to see him awake... well.. half awake, I didn't want to miss the chance to explain to the now conscious boy and say "Oh good, you're finally awake! You weren't in your room so I went to look for you to find you outside, I was trying to help you because I can't just leave you here, it's dangerous... as you know I can't really pick you up so would you please get up instead? I promise I will help by guiding you to your room!" I explain slowly so Gonta would understand.

Gonta stared at me blankly for a moment then he proceeds to get up with a bit of struggle since he was still tired, but with my help (mainly the tree's-)), he managed to stand up straight "Gonta must have accidentally sleep while he was searching for bugs... Gonta is sorry for worrying you.." said Gonta looking at me with an apologizing face "no no it's alright! You don't have to apologize, it's nothing really! I'm just really glad that you are alright" I said while walking the gentleman to his dorm.

Finally entering his room, I guided Gonta to his bed which he sat down on it "(Y/N) is so nice.. Gonta never had friends who cared for him this much..." He mumbled while his eyes slowly closed.

Before I could answer, I immediately catch the entomologist before he falls forward by hugging his head, which now his face was on my chest.. and that made me blush hard 'Did he fell asleep that fast? What did he do to get this tired??' I asked mentally 'but enough questions, I have to figure out how to put him on his bed..' I added to my thoughts while subconsciously stroking Gonta's hair which he smiles in his sleep as a result.

With that, I took off the gentle giant's glasses and put it on his nightstand, removed his suit and tie and put it to the side so it won't bother him. I gently pushed Gonta to the side which his head hit the pillow and slowly lifted his legs on the bed.

Finally the gentleman was asleep on his bed..

I wipe my forehead and smile to myself, proud of what I did and turn to walk towards my room to finally rest and end this day...


..But that's what I planned to do anyways, I felt a grip on my wrist and forcefully got pulled backwards which made me let out a squeal, I got on the bed and felt two strong arms wrap around me and the owner was, who of course, turns out to be Gonta.

I have never been this red before but here we are, I tried to escape but to no avail, Gonta's grip was tight yet so gentle, with that I gave up and stayed put.

Gonta's head was on top of mine while my head was on his warm chest, I didn't know what to do but just blush madly however finally yawned as all my hard work finally got to me.

I hugged Gonta back while nuzzling close to him, then closed my eyes sleeping, having a small smile on my face.

I hugged Gonta back while nuzzling close to him, then closed my eyes sleeping, having a small smile on my face

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(D'AWWWWWWWWW now ain't that adorable! I hope you also enjoyed and see ya next chapter!!^^👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now