88- ✨🌸Important🌸✨ Gonta x Reader

152 7 16

(heyo everyone I hope u have a wonderful day, enjoy! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was in class bored, laying my head on my desk waiting for the lesson to finish.

"alright students, for next time's lesson I want you to do a project about any topic, please select your partner and starts discussing" said the teacher. this immediately woke me up from my fantasies and I turned around to ask Gonta, who was sitting behind me, if he wanna be my partner.

"wanna pair up with me?" I asked shyly "hehe of course! come sit next to Gonta" with that I did what he told me and open my notebook to write "so! any ideas for the project?" "umm oh! we can talk about bugs!.. i-if (Y/N) wants of course" he said while rubbing the back of his head.

"hehe why not, we can speak about bugs!" I said while writing on the notebook "we can also add flowers if that's okay?" I suggested, it should be easy for me, after all, I am the ultimate florist! "oh yes! bugs and flowers goes well together!!" he exclaimed with joy, he's so cute.

as time passes, the bell finally rings "don't forget to complete your project! class dismissed" the teacher said before leaving. I picked up my things and looked at Gonta to see him waiting for me, I smiled "ready to go?" I asked and he nodded while grinning "Gonta was wondering if you would like to go to his place to finish the project?" "sure! it's better if we finish it early" with that we headed towards Gonta's house.

*time skip*

we arrived at our destination "Gonta's parents are at work so we have the house all to ourselves, follow Gonta!" he said while going upstairs, i'm guessing to his room, so I followed him.

when we entered the room, I was in awe when I saw its design. it was bug-themed!!

"aww your room is so adorable" I complement him which made him blush "t-thank you! let's sit there!" he pointed at his desk and I nodded, we went there and sat down then we started working on the project.

thankfully, we carried some books about flowers and bugs so we could have some ideas on how would they be mixed together for a topic. (idk if this made sense but moving on-))

Gonta looked at my yellow highlighter and picked it up examining it "hey (Y/N)?" I hummed for an answer "what does this do?" I looked over "oh you can highlight the only important stuff with it!" I pointed at the notebook trying to show him but the gentleman did otherwise.

He reaches his hand with the highlighter towards my face and wrote on my cheek which made me freeze "h-huh?" I said confused while blushing a bit "(Y/N) is important to Gonta so he highlighted them!!" he said while smiling proudly, I covered my face blushing so hard and mumbles shyly "that's n-not what I m-meant- I mean on the n-notebook.."

a faint tint of red appeared on Gonta's cheeks "oh.." then he giggles "oh! oopsie daisy excuse Gonta!!"

'He's going to be the death of me if he continues being this adorable..' I thought while smiling.

(aww I love this! this is literally just wholesome!! X33💖 I hope you enjoyed take care and peace out y'all!! :D✌))

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(aww I love this! this is literally just wholesome!! X33💖 I hope you enjoyed take care and peace out y'all!! :D✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now