126-✨💇HairStyle💇✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Hello you lovely people! Welcome back to another story, you guys actually inspired me to make another story by all the sweet and positive comments this book is getting, tysm and enjoy!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

This takes place in the killing game.


You head out to the school garden, seeking a moment of relaxation. As you arrive, you spot Gonta scouring the area looking for bugs. You can't deny it, despite his physical form he is one of the only people in this killing game that wouldn't hurt a fly which makes you trust him.

You move closer, as you get near, you catch his attention as he turns around to face you "(y/n)! Gonta glad you're here, come see what Gonta found" He said before pulling you down with him to a flower and points "Look! see the bug? It is a bumblebee! Isn't it cute?" You smile and admires the insect "yeah it's quite adorable" You replied "Gonta is happy you think so! Would you like to see more?" He asked and you nod as you both started hanging out.

*Time Skips*

It's been a while since we were chilling, lost track of time completely. I look back at Gonta "hey, eh, do you know what time is it?" you asked and he looks up at the sky and hums "hmm it's probably about 4 o'clock?" then turns back, meeting your eyes "Time goes by fast when Gonta is with (y/n)!" There are sparkles in Gonta's eyes when he says this as he smiles at you.

You smile back and stand up, stretching a bit "sure does!" you said and look around with a smile "for a killing game, it has such a nice garden..." you added and smile. Gonta nods "Gonta agrees! Gonta thinks this school is pretty, at least when we are not killing each other" He said before looking down at the ground, his face drops a little when mentioning the killing game "Gonta... Gonta doesn't like the killing..." He said quietly.

Your smile drops too "yeah... let's just hope nobody actually does such thing" You announced and looked sad a bit which didn't go unnoticed by Gonta "hey no worries, this is why Gonta must protect (y/n) like a true gentleman!" He said determined "really? You'll do that for me?" your eyes light up for a moment as Gonta nods with a sweet smile "of course! Gonta will protect (y/n), always. (y/n) is too important to not keep safe" He replied which made you melt "aww.. thank you Gonta your precious" he smiles and pets your head gently.

You liked it when Gonta gives you affection, so you wanted to do the same as you reach for his hair and started to caress it, surprisingly it was smooth "wow Gonta your hair is soft and nice!" you said as a happy expression comes over Gonta's face "really? Gonta does not do much to his hair, Gonta washes it and then just lets it dries" he rubs the back of his head.

"do you keep it down all the time?" You asked curious "Gonta usually likes to keep his hair down so he feels the wind and feel his hair waving around! But if (y/n) wants, what style of hair would you like to see on Gonta? Should Gonta's hair be in pigtails?" you almost gasp and you grin "oh my, that'll super adorable!" Gonta looks like he is thinking about something before he gets an idea "Does (y/n) want to put Gonta's hair in pigtails?" he asked while blushing a bit.

your eyes become stars and you nod rapidly earning a chuckle from him, Gonta's face sparkles with excitement as he quickly kneels on the ground to your height(if you somehow reach his height, he just turns around)) "ok Gonta ready!" he exclaims in joy, he can't wait to see how he looks in a different hairstyle.

You get closer and start to brush his hair with your fingers, it was tangled a bit but you tried your best to brush through without hurting him "do you have those hair thingies for me to tie your hair with?" you ask him as you were doing your mini task "ah yes! Gonta have them just in case he wants to work out, he got two just in case the first one breaks" he answered while pulling out two hair ties from his pocket 'even his hair is strong?' you thought and chuckles quietly before taking them while thanking him.

Gonta closes his eyes as you style his hair, he starts to blush a bit feeling content from the attention he's getting "Gonta can feel (y/n)'s hands in his hair... feels nice!" Gonta is not used to people being this close to him so he was quite embarrassed and flustered about it.

You managed to make two pigtails on the boy's hair, it was messy but it looks decent "andd done!" you announced proudly. Gonta opens his eyes and raises both of his hands to feel his hair and turns to look at you "how does Gonta look?" He asked, wanting to know your opinion "will you still like Gonta now that he has pigtails?" he sounds a little nervous, maybe (y/n) will think he is too childish or too feminine now as Gonta thought.

You admire his new look and barely stop yourself from squealing "of course I would still like you! To be completely honest, you're more adorable like this" you replied while having a huge smile on your face. Gonta smiles as well, relieved to hear your words "oh good! Gonta glad, thank you (y/n)" the boy beams before he shakes his head, making his pigtails move as well "Gonta likes it! He feels cute with it" he added and giggles.

"You're cute no matter what you do, Gonta..."


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💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now