83-🖤hope?🖤 despair Gonta x Reader (angst)

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(yo! this is gonna be an au of despair Gonta or something, gonna be sad so prepare- enjoy! xD))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

this killing game is included and takes place in ch4 so spoilers if u haven't finished the game yet


You were sobbing and trembling, you just can't believe what you're hearing, the killer of Miu Iruma.

"How could it be Gonta? the pure and the most kind person among us?? IT CAN'T BE!!" you screamed at them

you look over the gentleman to see him staring in disbelief with tears in his eyes, begging the others to believe him.

seeing him like this breaks you even more, 'there's no way it's him!' you thought. with that you refused to believe anything the detective was saying and was trying to prove the boy's innocence.

but in the end, Gonta was found guilty and sent to his execution which left you in so much despair, all you can do is watch and cry.

seeing robotic wasps hurt him made you close your eyes instantly, you just can't watch.

when you peeked, you saw a giant wasp burst through Monophanie's stomach and your eyes widen when it killed Monotaro, the big bug looked at Gonta with a sinister look, you feel your heart drop as you know what was about to happen.

that was enough to make you snap, it was very painful to stand and do nothing.

without thinking, you barge through the doors and ran so fast towards Gonta, your friends called out for you to come back and what you're doing is very careless and dangerous but you ignored them, you have to save your gentleman no matter what.

Gonta looks up to see you which immediately shocked him "(Y-Y/N)?.." He called quietly.

as the giant bug raises its robotic arm to stab Gonta, you quickly got infront of him and open your arms shutting your eyes tightly. "(Y/N) D-DON'T!!" screamed Gonta, 'if I have to sarcrifice myself so be it!!..'

..but nothing happened..?

you slowly cracked open an eye to see the blade of an arm was an inch away from your neck which made your eyes widen. you were breathing heavily and looked at the bug robot to see it stopped working, you cocked your head to the side.

-punishment failed-

it said on a screen, which confused you 'huh? did- did I do it??' you thought surprised.

you turned to check on Gonta to see he was fine! well kind of.. he's face was swollen. He was sobbing so hard and was looking down, his hair was covering his face therefore it made you worry.

somehow the chains broke which made him fall down on his knees and arms.

"Gonta!!" you rushed to his aid "Gonta it's okay! you're alright don't worry!" you tried to comfort him. he raised his head to look at you and he immediately hugged you "Gonta t-thought that (Y/N) was gonna die! Gonta was so scared!! why would (Y/N) do such thing?!" he said with his voice cracking in the end.

you hug him back "I-I can't lose you Gonta.." you answered the entomologist, he embraced you tightly sobbing even more "so it's okay for Gonta to lose (Y/N) like that?!" you got silent, you didn't mean to upset him this much, so you just let him cry on your shoulder.


from that day, Gonta hasn't been the same, he distanced himself from everybody.. espacially me.

when any of us try to talk to him, he would get scared and run away "Gonta is dangerous! you must get away from him!!" he cries out which really hurts you to see him like this.

he also locks himself in his dorm and rarely gets out to eat. when he does, there's noticeble bags under his eyes. he probably didn't get any sleep because of nightmares. I don't think he'll get over the event of the 4th trial..

you really want to help your once cheerful gentleman but he won't let you, you always try to talk to him by knocking on his dorm's door, it's either he tells you to leave him alone or just don't answer. you were so upset and worried about him, you never wanted to see him in this condition.. what did he do to deserve this??


today was different, when you went to check up on him as usually hoping he will let you in, his door was open he must have forgotten to close it. you gently knocks and opened it slightly "Gonta?.. i'm coming in" you slowly enters.

Gonta was laying on his bed lost in his thoughts until he heard the door opening "h-huh?" he quickly looked up to see you which surprised him but immediately turned to fear "(Y-Y/N)?! w-why you here?!" he said panicky, beginning to tremble.

you raised your hands and slowly approached him "Gonta it's okay I just wanna help you.." he jumped off the bed and hid behind it (which didn't do much due to his size-)) "n-no! Gonta don't need help, Gonta is a murderer!! Gonta f-failed to protect friends.. G-Gonta is a failure!!" he starts sobbing and clenched his hands on the bed's sheets.

you bit your lips trying not to cry, you slowly went around the bed "no Gonta you're not! it wasn't your fault!! you just did what you've been told to do, alright? please don't beat yourself no more.." you slowly approached him yet again.

he crawls away from you until he bumps onto the wall looking down "(Y/N) almost d-died because of Gonta.." he covers his eyes as he sobbed into them "Gonta no can forgive himself after that!!"

you finally reached him, you pulled him close in a embrace and starts rubbing his back to comfort him "Gonta.. you don't know how much important to me.. i'm sorry that I did such a reckless action that scared you but I can't afford to lose you.."

the boy froze in his place "Gonta really don't understand, why you treating Gonta like he done nothing?.." you hugged him tightly "I know you didn't mean to do that, this world is just unfair... everyone misses you... espacially me.. please come back" you replied softly.

Gonta was speechless, 'they missed Gonta? even after what he done?? but.. why? Gonta done bad.. why forgive Gonta??' Gonta thoughts as his shoulders starts to shake and he burst out in tears while he held you back apoligizing over and over again.

after some time, the gentleman has fallen asleep on you, he really deserve to rest after all. you smiled softly and pat his head giving him a kiss on the forehead, you really hope he feels better when he wakes up.

(that's some sad stuff right there, but in the end we helped out lezgooo!!💖✨✨ hope you enjoyed this chapter and cya next time! goodbye amigos!! >:D✌))

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(that's some sad stuff right there, but in the end we helped out lezgooo!!💖✨✨ hope you enjoyed this chapter and cya next time! goodbye amigos!! >:D✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now