30-✨💕Gonta loves you💕✨ Gonta x Reader

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(there is gonna be a steven universe reference bc it match with the drawing so yep! enjoy!! x33))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

for Kokichi's simpers/likers, be aware that i'm gonna be talking bad about him bc welp.. I don't like him lol XDD👌


I was in the library with Gonta reading a book about bugs and learning new things(more like the gentleman was teaching/showing u since he already know x3👌)), Gonta was talking passionately about his bug friends and I was listening to every single word cuz it's really adorable to see him talk about the things he loves!

until the moment got ruined when I heard an annoying voice approached us "Hey Gonta!.. and (Y/N)!!" 'oh god it's the evil eggplant whyy--' Kokichi grabbed Gonta's arm and said "can you come with meee? I need you!" 'what is it this time? is he up to something??' You thought, you really don't wanna deal with him.

Gonta hesitated and said: "o-oh Kokichi! what for? Gonta is actually with (Y/N) right now-" the gremlin interrupted "they can wait or whatever come on!" he pulled Gonta, which didn't do much "comeee!!" I glared at him, not trusting him at all.

Kokichi noticed your glare and got surprised then it immediately turned into a smirk "you don't mind, rightttt (Y/N)??" you glared even harder, if that's even possible.

Gonta looked at you and called out your name "(Y/N)?" you stopped what you were doing and looked at Gonta "eh-" blushing in embarrassment then looked at Kokichi "I mean.." you slowly looked down "you don't have to ask me.. you can go whenever you want!" Gonta gave you a look before saying "are you sure that (Y/N) is okay with this?--" yet again the liar aka Kokichi interrupted Gonta 'i'm so gonna punch him if he does that one more time-' "GREAT!! thankies (Y/N) you're so sweet!!" he tried to pull Gonta again but no success in that.

"um.. alright! Gonta promise he'll be back later!!" with that he got up, waved goodbye and followed Kokichi. you give him a smile but then it slowly faded as you looked down 'guess i'm going to be alone for a while..' you thought sadly.

Gonta stopped and turned to face you "oh (Y/N)! there's one more thing Gonta have to mention!!" you got startled as you thought he already left "h-huh? what is it??" Gonta approached you and made a heart with his hands

"Gonta loves you ❤"

"goodbye (Y/N)!!" Gonta patted your head then he proceed to walk away, going back to Kokichi

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"goodbye (Y/N)!!" Gonta patted your head then he proceed to walk away, going back to Kokichi... that really caught you off guard, you blushed so hard grabbing your cheeks, smiling like a dork.

●Bonus(bc why not XDD)):

when Gonta did the heart thingy, Kokichi was looking at both of you with a "wtf" expression and made fake puke and dying noises.

(*Haz heartattack bc of wholesomeness-* XwX💘💘✨✨✨ well that was adorable and funny! XDD I hope u enjoyed and see ya next time! goodbye fellow amigos uwuwu💖💖))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now