55- Happy valentine's day! Gonta x reader

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(Yo! Happy valentine's day ppl! wanted to make this day special -as much as I can-- and make a Gonta x reader! cuz, come on we all want to have the gentleman as our valentine date! xDD💖💖enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

Third person's pov:

*you were with Gonta sitting down: Gonta is searching for bugs while u were (doing something you love)

Gonta stares at you for a minute and then spoke "Gonta know this is out of nowhere..but...Gonta don't really understand.. Gonta not smart nor talk good like others.. But yet.. (Y/N) is always there to be with Gonta, it's like Gonta is special or something..?"

*You took a very deep breath and stood up and walked up to Gonta

Gonta: "ah!- Gonta is sorry! Gonta didn't mean to annoy you!!-"
*You gently cups his cheeks
(Y/N): "Gonta san"
Gonta: "e-eh?-"
(Y/N): "you. are. Literally. PERFECT!! I don't know how could u miss such a perfection like yourself!! You're basically amazing, great and very smart!! remember you know so much about bugs more than anyone else! plus you're very kind and sweet!! May I add that you are a true gentleman!! A handsome man indeed!! A very perfection of a man to ever exist standing right infront of me!! I'm very lucky to even meet you like gosh, You legit deserve everything! you are so wonderful and lovely not even words can describe how fantastic you are!! I just wish you could see that!..and how much I love you.."
*You kind of forgot about everything and where you are because you are stuck observing Gonta's beautiful red orbs, you are rubbing his cheeks with much care and looking at him like you adore him (which you fecking do. A LOT!!💞💖💞✨✨--))

*Gonta got very speechless while his cheeks was dusted with a pink hue and was rubbing the back of his head
*You snaped out of it, became very flustered and you quickly removed your hands from his face and jumped a few steps back
(Y/N): "s-s-sorry!! I got really ahead of myself!! I probably made you so uncomfortable! I'm so sorry I-"
*Gonta got up and he gently holds your hands
Gonta: "d-does (Y/N) really feel that way about G-Gonta?"
*You were blushing so hard and you looked up at the gentleman and then looked down out of nervousness
(Y/N): "y-yes- yes I do.. of course I do! I just really love you and very much enjoy being near you!! I just.. Fear that my feelings will ruin our friendship so I-I kept quiet and-"

*with that, Gonta kissed you on the forehead

*out of reflex you flinched and you basically become a tomatoe, u lifted your head to look at Gonta
(Y/N): "E-Eh?!"
Gonta: "Gonta.. Gonta never felt like this before only when he's around (Y/N)... You made Gonta realize how special and important Gonta is..!"
*he starts sobbing a bit, which you stared at him with soft eyes
Gonta: "G-Gonta never felt this much love before!! Gonta is so happy to have you beside him (Y/N)!!"
*Gonta pulled you towards him and hugs you close
Gonta: "thank you (Y/N)! Thank you so much!! Gonta really loves you butterfly!!"
(Y/N): aww Gonta if you cry I'll cry too!! *you wiped Gonta's tears and you held him tightly
(Y/N): "and ehe of course!! I love you too my lovely gentleman!!"

!"*he starts sobbing a bit, which you stared at him with soft eyesGonta: "G-Gonta never felt this much love before!! Gonta is so happy to have you beside him (Y/N)!!"*Gonta pulled you towards him and hugs you closeGonta: "thank you (Y/N)! Thank yo...

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I hope y'all enjoyed it as well, ty for taking the time to read! Until next chapter! Have a wonderful and lovely day! take care and stay safe!!^^👋💖💖✨))))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now