113-✨🐝Honey🍯✨ Gonta x Reader

189 8 18

(I'm starting to run out of ideas again plz help TwT if u got anything in mind, do share cuz I need some xD👌 anyways, enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was hanging out with Gonta in his lab, he was taking care of his bee friends meanwhile I was admiring.

Gonta grins and turns to look at me "did you know bees collect pollen from flowers to make food, honey?" he said, which made me blush and smile "for sure, dear!" I reply cheerfully.

Gonta becomes flustered "p-pardon?" he asked in confusion, making me confused as well "w-wait, didn't you call me by a pet name? I thought I'll do the same..?" I said while rubbing the back of my head, a faint tint of red on my cheeks.

Gonta looks at me for a moment and let out a gasp "oh!" then he laughs, not sure at me or with me "hehe (Y/N)! Gonta meant the food that bees make!" he explains as he wipes away an invisible tear.

My face has never been this red before and I cover it in embarrassment "oh, I-I'm so sorry that was so stupid of m-me, I'm so embarrassed" I mumble the last part as I wanted to crawl in a hole and just disappear.

Gonta stopped laughing and smiled sweetly "(Y/N).." He calls while looking at me with such soft eyes "It's alright don't call yourself that, (Y/N) is smart! It was just a silly mistake don't worry!" He adds and pats my head while blushing a bit "It's kinda cute actually..." he said as my eyes widen in surprise.

I uncover my face and put my hands on my now warm cheeks "G-Gonta.." I muttered looking at him, blushing so hard.

Gonta's cheeks burn up as he covers his mouth 's-so cute!..' He thoughts while staring at me.

(Eh, it will do- anyways hope you enjoy and peace out! goodbye!! ^^✌))

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(Eh, it will do- anyways hope you enjoy and peace out! goodbye!! ^^✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now