109-✨🦋Favorite Bug🦋✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Hello everyone! sorry for not uploading much, school is keeping me busy and I got unmotivated since then- but seeing this book reach 10k made me determined to make a new chapter, I'll try my best to keep doing stories, hope you enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


Ah, today is a beautiful day, I was walking around the courtyard admiring my surroundings until I spot the one and only bug lover, Gonta Gokuhara.

Gonta was relaxing under a tree with his eyes closed until he suddenly looks up to see me, he smiles and waves at me which made me do the same as I approach him.

"Hey Gonta, what's up?" I greet him "Hey (Y/N)! Gonta was looking for bugs and now he's relaxing" He said "Oh how lovely, did you find any?" "no, not really.. but Gonta won't give up!!" Gonta exclaimed with determination in his eyes which made me giggle.

I sit down beside him and look at him "Hey, I actually have a favorite bug! I like those types of butterflies.. what are they called?.. the ones who have orange, black, and white markings??" I explained trying to remember the name "huh, are you talking about Monarch butterflies?" He replied excitedly.

He gets super happy when he gets to talk about the things he loves like bugs, espacially with someone he adores too.

"Yeah, those! They have always been my favorite since I was a child" I grinned happily and look off the distance "I love putting out my finger to them to land on it but it never works.." I smiled sadly "Also I never got the chance to get along with one since they always fly away pfft! Why do I always hope one day it'll work? Haha silly me, am I right?" I laughed, trying to brush it off but Gonta sensed my sadness.

"Aww that's a very interesting choice! Wait here, Gonta got to go somewhere quick Gonta will be back soon, promise!" He said before getting up and runs happily towards the school, leaving me confused.

"...huh?" I let out before giggling to myself "I wonder what is he up to" I added as I hugged my legs, waiting for him.

*Tiny Time Skip*

It's been 2 minutes or so and finally Gonta showed up, but he wasn't alone, a bunch of butterflies was following him from behind.

Monarch butterflies to be specific.

My eyes widen as I slowly got up as he approaches me "woah..." I let out, examining my new surrounding that is filled with butterflies "Gonta they are everywhere! how beautiful!!" I squealed as I run around them twirling, giggling happily.

Gonta was looking at my childish behaviour joyfully then waves a butterfly over and whispers something to it and points at me, his bug friend nods then flies towards you.

As I was following an insect trying to get its attention, another butterfly came flying in front of me, I gasp in surprise and stood still, not knowing what to do, but my hand raised on its own and slowly put out my finger unintentionally.

'Oh wait, what am I doing?? I did that out of habit' I thought, shaking my head at my silliness, before I could lower my hand... it landed on my finger.

I froze in my place, staring at the butterfly with wide eyes in disbelief "Oh MY-" I cover my mouth, stopping myself from yelling in happiness, jumping in my spot "Gonta look look! it finally happened!!" I turn my head to look at Gonta with sparkles in my eyes.

He chuckles and pats my head "it sure did!" he said while looking at me with soft eyes, which made me blush, I glance down at my hand to see more butterflies got on my finger "Woah Woah! this is so amazing did you tell them to do this?!" I shouted excitedly.

"Hmm maybee~" He hums smiling, then he lays on the grass "come! lay next to Gonta" he announced while patting the spot next to him, I let the butterflies go and join him.

I stare at the sky that is filled with butterflies and sighs cheerfully, I turn on my side to face Gonta who was closing his eyes, relaxed.

I look at him softly, then all of a sudden, a butterfly flies over him and lands on his nose, I sit up quickly to see more insects land on him, I admire his handsome face and smile slowly.

'God, he's so beautiful..'

Sorry for no art, I still don't feel like drawing or writing so I'm sorry if this was bad ;;-;; but tysm for 10k reads! that's rlly awesome of all of u ty again, hope u enjoy and until next time, goodbye for now!! ^^)/💖💖✨))

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Sorry for no art, I still don't feel like drawing or writing so I'm sorry if this was bad ;;-;; but tysm for 10k reads! that's rlly awesome of all of u ty again, hope u enjoy and until next time, goodbye for now!! ^^)/💖💖✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now