75-✨🖤surprise🖤✨ Mastermind Gonta x reader (angst)

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(U know what time is it? PREPARE FOR DA ANGST MUAHAHA- *coughs coughs* oop "•—• [idk lmao- enjoy! XDD]))

' ':thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

this time, the killing game is includedxD- takes place in chpt4 so spoilers if u haven't finished the game yet

Warning⚠: angst

Reader's pov:

"NO!!" I screamed out loud after knowing the truth about Miu's killer..
Kokichi: "What?? didn't we go through this already?? (Y/N), It's Gonta! end of story-" I interrupted him before he could finish talking "NO NO NO NO NO! LIES!! YOU'RE LYING!!! GONTA WILL NEVER!!! GONTA WON'T EVER DO SUCH THING!!!! Gonta is gentleman! he won't ever hurt anyone! tell him Shuichi! tell him he's wrong!" with that Shuichi stayed quiet for some reason, what's going on?! "S-shuichi..?" silence "hey Shuichi... why are u quiet..? he's wrong r-right??.. he gotta be wrong, right?!" finally Shuichi spoke "...I'm so sorry (Y/N).." I completely lost it "No... NO!!!" 
*as I turn to look at Gonta in tears, he for some reason was looking at me grinning(a bit creepily-)) like he wasn't hurt or sad rather.. amused??
(Y/N): "Gonta you wouldn't do such thing.. r-right?"

*with that he started giggling innocently then it turned into an evil laughter and he turns to look at Shuichi

Gonta: "hehe.. well they don't call you the ultimate detective for no reason Saihara, yes Gonta did it!! also Gonta have one more surprise.." he started laughing again suddenly smoke comes out of nowhere and..

" he started laughing again suddenly smoke comes out of nowhere and

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"you all got tricked by the one and only Gonta Gokuhara!!~!!"

*you couldn't believe what you just saw.. everyone even Kokichi can't believe it!! your eyes were so wide and you were just speechless
Gonta: "hehe what's wrong everyone um? um?? surprised?? Pfft hehe- anyways i'm getting bored of this dumbass game i'll just end it by killing all of you!"
'. .W h a t. . ?'
*everyone got even more shocked
(Y/N): "h-huh?-"
*Gonta rised his hand towards his mouth in a surprised manner and looked at you yet again
Gonta: "oh my apologies! of course except you (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "w-wait WHAT?! NO!!"
*before you could do anything, a button appeared out of nowhere and Gonta pressed it
Gonta: "oopsie daisy! too late!!"

*right before your very own eyes and ears, is all of your friends getting executed one by one and their screams of agony... you couldn't help but drop on your knees feeling so much despair and betrayal..
*Gonta approached you and hugged you from behind*

"..now Gonta and (Y/N) can finally be together forever..."

(oop that was an evil Gonta right there! Ö I liked how it turned out, very niceu!! mastermind Gonta is really intersting tbh!! Idk how I'll react if that was canon lmao XDD👌
Ah yea! have some sketches I did bc I liked the design I did for him!! Uwuwu💖))

(oop that was an evil Gonta right there! Ö I liked how it turned out, very niceu!! mastermind Gonta is really intersting tbh!! Idk how I'll react if that was canon lmao XDD👌Ah yea! have some sketches I did bc I liked the design I did for him!! Uw...

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(*chef's kiss* FABULOUS!!💖💖 anywho! hoped you enjoyed this chapter, until next time!! Bu-bye!! x33👋👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now