129-✨😌You Found Me😌✨ Lost Gonta x Reader

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(heyy i'm back from the dead and prob will die again after this lol, sorry for taking so long to make anything. This wonderful idea was requested by ^Casu_Marzu64^! I hope u enjoy it and thank you for the comment!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


Today, I decided to go camping on my own because I wanted to see the beauty of nature and explore the green world a bit, so I prepared myself and went to the nearest forest.

While I was walking, not paying attention to how long I have been moving, also distracted by the wonderful view, I felt my foot slip and felt myself falling down a cliff. I didn't have time to react as I was rolling down harshly, causing me to try to find anything to grab on to stop myself from sliding off the long cliff but I got hurt in the process as little branches and pebbles kept scratching my skin.

When I finally landed, I fell face first on the dirt as I stayed like that a moment trying to process what just happened.

After some time of trying to come back to reality, I struggled to get up but I managed to only lift my head to see where was I, not like I would even know anyways. I looked around seeing the forest was kinda dark under here, scary if you ask me.

I slowly sit up and checked myself to see a few scratches here and there, bits of torn skin and mostly dirt everywhere. I groan in pain and get back on my feet feeling scared and alone. 'What should I do, what should I do??' I thought while starting to hear noises but got the courage and starts walking trying to find a way out "I should have stayed home in my cozy bed while having snacks, I should have never gone outside- huh?" I was complaining when I saw some glowing yellow eyes looking at me.

I stopped in my tracks to see what it was but then more glowing eyes appear near the first one and it slowly came towards me... if my day can't get any worse, it was a pack of wolves.

My eyes widen, as I smiled and waved at them like a goofball then took off running which alerted them and all of them started chasing me down, 'OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD I'M GONNA DIEEE!!' I screamed in my thoughts as I was running as fast as I could while they were chasing me down, until there was a dead end up ahead 'I really did plan my funeral today huh' I thought sarcastically then stops in front of the wall and looks back at the pack with fear in my eyes as they slowly approach me.

I looked around to see if I could find a way out but no can do, they circled around me as I lean so far back into the wall as my heart was beating so fast 'this is it, I'm a goner, goodbye cruel world' I said as I closed my eyes not wanting to see what'll happen as they get even closer.

But before I know it, I feel a huge wave goes down in front of me making me think it was the pack but why would they jump in front of me when they could immediately tackle me? I slowly open my eyes to see a back of a bulky man and he was on one knee opening his arms in front of me, even so he was in a sitting position he was at my height.

I could see the two leaders of the pack titles their head to the side as they made noises to the guy.. and the guy answers back? were they having a conversation?? I think i'm going crazy. I was looking dumbfounded as the guy somehow convinced them to let me go, or that's how I see it from the pack as they slowly left deep into the forest.

Wait, now I'm stuck with this wild man that who knows he may be a cannibal or something, I slowly tried to move away but of course due to my luck I stepped on a stick making it snap in half and alert the man. He quickly turns back his head to look at me and since he was close he squinted his eyes to look at me (btw I headcanon that Gonta can see from a distance clearly but can't nearby cuz it may be blurry :D))

I got scared thinking he was glaring at me and run to the other side, I look back at him but he was nowhere to be seen, I was confused and stopped then sighs "it can't get any worse, can it?" and sure it did, it started raining.

I groan and covers my face "well now I know it can..." I whispered then look ahead to see him in front of me "AAHH!!" I screamed as I fell back on the ground "oww.." I rub my back in pain then looks up at the guy as he looks down at me with curiosity, he crouched down near me. I can clearly see his face now, he had very long green hair and his eyes were red, he was shirtless but he was wearing a brown loincloth. I crawl away as he gets closer "w-wait stay back" I tried to use my own voice but I sounded pathetic as the man looks at me and was still getting closer.

He kept a distance as his eyes looked at me up and down like he was inspecting me then moves closer which I put my hand on his chest to stop him out of reflex, he looks down at my hand with surprise then his eyebrows furrowed with confusion and due to his curiosty he grabs my wrist with his much larger hand and with his other he traced over my finger a bit then put his palm against mine.

I didn't know what else to do then watch him do what he was doing then when I look up, I can see him looking deep into my eyes which made me kinda nervous.

He gets even closer while looking at me as I tries to back away even more but couldn't, as he slowly puts his head on my chest which made me startled a bit "um..." I let out as he lifts his head back up with a smile then gently cups my cheeks and leads my head to his broad chest where his heart was while looking down at me, I yelped in the process and then I immediately pushed myself back "haha wow eh... yeah nice eh heartbeat, lovely" I said awkwardly as I played with my shirt to distract myself.

I can see him making a thinking face "lovely..." He repeats while looking at me "oh! you can speak?" I was surprised by this "well I didn't think much of it and I really thought you were a quiet person an-" before I could finish he put his hand on my mouth making me blush in embarrassment 'way to go (y/n)!' I mentally slapped myself.

He nods his head to himself and says "Gonta!" and I look at him confused and curious on what he meant by that, he hums and gets closer "Go-n-ta" he nods to himself again while saying that slowly, I blink my eyes a few times "Go-n-ta?" I repeat curiously and he grins while jumping a bit in his place then nods towards me "ahh I understand!" I declared a bit "Aiundersta!" he repeats as his eyes lit up as he nods to himself while putting a hand on his chest "Gonta" then puts his hands on my shoulders "Aiundersta" as I title my head to the side then realize he thought that was my name "no no! my name is (y/n)" I said shaking my head then mentions with my hand for him to do the same "no no! my name is (y/n)" he repeats while shaking his head too and mentions with his hand the same way I did.

I smiled and shake my head even more "hehe no" I clear my throat as he looks at me with his furrowed eyebrows. I put my hand on my chest "(y/n)" then points at him "Gonta" and then again puts my hand on myself "(y/n)!" his eyebrows raise like he understood and he raises my head with his hand on my chin "(y/n)..." he said softly which for some reason made me blush a bit "ah- yeah that's me!" I said smiling awkwardly.

He smiles too then lets go of me then looks at the sky to see it was getting dark "it's getting dark" I said "dark" he repeats then huffs then he gets up, forgetting he was huge as he easily towered over me and begin walking away somewhere "um... where are ya going?" I said and titles my head "going" he repeats and mentions with his head the way, was he asking me to follow him? without anything to lose, I get up and starts following him.

He was going around the bushes and branches easily as I was struggling a bit "Hey wait" I said as I trip on a branch "wa!-" before I fall on the ground, he easily stops it by grabbing my shoulder and keeping me steady "heh thanks for helping me" I said while smiling up at him, he easily lifts me up in bridal style which made me squeal "w-woah eh p-plenty strong, aren't ya?" I said feeling nervous as he starts walking somewhere without saying anything, I stopped talking thinking I was annoying him.

We reached somewhere and I could see a tree house from down here, did he live there? he gently puts me down and looks at me with a smile "Gonta help (y/n)!" He said and points at the shelter "oh, up there?" I asked him and he nods and repeats "up" I nod and climbs up as he follows close, it was small but it looks cozy enough here, there was what looks like a bed and supplies he probably found in the forest like berries and stuff like that.

"is this where you stay?" I can't help but ask, he nods and points at the bed that what looked like it was made out of leaves and grass, I think he meant me to sleep there "what about you?" I asked while looking up at him "Gonta lovely" he said and nods while smiling which made me chuckle, I think he meant he was okay with it, so I gently lay down on the bed, it was kinda cold but it's better than being outside in the rain.

He crouches down examining me as I lay down on the bed, I look at him then did something risky as I pet the place next to me which made him title his head to the side "um... I don't want to take your place a-and it's kinda cold so umm... you don't mind if we sleep together? to be warm and cozy of course! ugh nevermind forget I ever said anything...." I said covering my face embarrassed then I felt the bed shifts a bit and looks up to see him laying next to me as he had a small smile.

"Gonta warm (y/n)..."

(I got lazy with the art lol, also thank you for 30k reads u guys r freaking awesome and I'm happy some r still following this book qwq💖💖✨))

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(I got lazy with the art lol, also thank you for 30k reads u guys r freaking awesome and I'm happy some r still following this book qwq💖💖✨))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now