119- ✨💊Recovery💊✨ Gonta x Sick Reader

201 9 17

(Greetings y'all, sorry for not uploading much writing block is after me but I hope it leaves me soon so I can make more stories for this lovely gentleman! enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


Today, Gonta and I decided to visit his wolf family!.. Actually, it was my idea since I really wanted to see those big fluffy cuties! They were the ones who took care of little Gonta after all, it will be a pleasure to meet them again.

I take a picnic basket with me and put different types of snacks for me and Gonta to eat, the weather is nice and sunny so I didn't need to bring a jacket or something.

"Is (y/n) ready to go?" Gonta said with a smile "yeah!" I replied as I approached him and grabbed his arm "lead the way!" I exclaimed as we went towards the forest, it was a really nice day, isn’t it? The perfect day to go out with your loved one...
..I was wrong, it was starting to get cold but I didn’t want to ruin the moment, I just have to be strong until we go back home, yeah? That’s easy to do!

We reached our destination and we started the picnic, Gonta chooses the right spot and put the blanket down before I put the basket on top of it, we sat on it and waited for the wolves to arrive.

Speaking of the devil, while we were chatting about whatever we had in mind, we hear noises coming near the bushes.

Gonta made an unintelligent sound which made the ones whose making noises come out from their hiding spot and “Oh my god!” I almost screeched with joy as I was immediately being attacked by some happy pups, their force made me fall backwards but nevertheless, I was happy to meet them too.

They were licking my face while some of them were barking happily, I was giggling  while patting their fluffy heads as Gonta chuckles as well then leans closer “hehe alright playtime is over” Gonta said while trying to gently shoo away the big pups away from me, which allowed me to breath.

So with that, we begin hanging out like a big family, I take the snacks that I brought out of the basket and give some to the gentleman and kept some for myself. Gonta was translating the words of the wolves for me to understand and I can see he was enjoying doing so, which brings a big smile to my face.

*Time Skips*

It was time to go home because it was getting dark, I was upset since I was really having a good time but we can save it for next time we come to visit.

Gonta came towards me and reaches for my hand and when I grab it, I realized how cold my hand was compared to his “whoa, is (y/n) cold?” Gonta asked concerned “eh…” You were having so much fun that you forgot about the coldness and your body was suffering in silence “a little but I’ll manage” I said confidently only for me to let out a sneeze, which made blush in embarrassment.

Gonta looks at me for a moment then gasps “oh no! Is (y/n) getting sick?” he asked and put a hand on my forehead to realize it was burning up “Gonta should have noticed sooner, Gonta sorry!” he added with sad eyes, he should not have let you stay outside for this long, he sometimes forgets not everyone has a strong immune system as himself, you tried brushed it off “no no Gonta don’t apologize, it’s fine really! I feel a little uneasy that’s all” I tried to convince him but he puts his hands on my shoulders “no way! Gonta will take care of his partner, like a gentleman!!” He exclaimed with determination.

So with that, he picks you up bridal style which made you squeal “sorry! But Gonta want to get you home fast or else it may get worse” He said as he quickly heads home with you having your arms around his neck.

It took a couple of minutes to reach home thanks to Gonta’s speed, he wasted no time and immediately gets to the bedroom and tucks you in and fluffs up your pillow for you.

I pouted a bit “Gontaa I’m telling you I’m fineee-“ “nonsense (y/n)! Gonta checked you already so he knows you’re not” “But I rather spend time with you than just being in bed” I said while giving him the puppy eyes, he blushed but tried to resist your cuteness “W-We can do that but not until you’re feeling better” He replied while fixing your blanket.

“Okay foine” I agreed while playfully crossing my arms then let out a giggle.

I let out a yawn feeling my body finally gave in and becomes tired “It’s really been fun today, don’t you agree?” I said as I could feel myself getting sleepy “Hehe, yeah! Gonta really enjoyed it” He said then leans closer, kissing your forehead “sleep well (y/n)~” He said with a smooth voice which made you blush and he turned to walk away.

“Wait, where are you going?” I said while rubbing my eyes “Oh! Gonta is just going to get some medicines and ask Kirumi if she could help Gonta on making soup, Gonta want to make sure that (y/n) recovers nice and easy!” He replied “By the time Gonta is doing this, you get some good sleep, okay?” He added with a gentle smile, I smiled back looking at him lovingly as he left the room.

You really had such a wonderful and lovely boyfriend, you feel so lucky to even have him as your partner, and the thing is he felt the same way, he felt it was his duty to be taking care of you and protect you because after all...

You were his little butterfly.



(yayy I finally had the motivation to finish this draft that I abandon for so long lol YwU but yeah hope you enjoyed and peace out you lovely people!!✌💓💓✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now