107-✨💟Perfect Gentleman💟✨ Low Self Esteem Gonta x Reader

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(Howdy my lovely readers! I saw this pic and it made me sad so I wanted to make a story about it to make myself and Gonta feel better, hope you enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was roaming around the courtyard to see Gonta sitting cross legged, I walk towards him to greet him.

"Hey Gonta-" I say as I was approaching, I slowly stop to hear him talking to himself, I know it's none of my business but something tells me I should listen to what he's saying so with that, I hid behind a bush.

Gonta was drawing in the dirt looking sad, he was mumbling something but I couldn't hear it clearly, I lean closer to hear a sentence that broke my heart.

"Gonta is such a failure.. He will never be good enough to protect friends..."

I was shocked and my eyes shifted into sadness, I slowly approach him from behind and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him close.

He flinches as he thought he was alone "Ah- oh, it's just (Y/N) hehe! You scared Gonta, do you need something?" He says in an innocent voice as if nothing happened which made me sad, even more "Gonta.. why would you say that about yourself?.." I whisper as I hid my head in his fluffy hair.

"H-Huh? what do you mean?" He says, trying not to break character "Gonta I know what you said, please don't act oblivious" I hug him tightly as he stays quiet for a moment.

I heard him sniffing, I look at him to see tears in his eyes "So (Y-Y/N) heard Gonta, huh.. s-sorry Gonta didn't mean to bother you" He mumbles.

I got in front of him and wipe away his tears "you're not bothering anyone, dear" I whisper gently smiling and grab his cheeks, giving his nose a kiss, which made him blush.

I stand up and hold out my hand "Come with me, let's hang out" I said softly, He stares at my hand for a moment before he takes it and gets up.

I smiled as I walked inside the building to the AV room, I made him sit down on the couch and cover him with a blanket "wait here, I'll be back before you know it" I said as I run towards my room then went to the kitchen and hurried back.

"I'm back, I hope I didn't make you wait!" I said smiling while putting a lot of bug plushies around him and put snacks and drinks on the table, I walk over the desk and select a DVD about insects documentary.

I put the DVD inside, then take the remote and walks towards Gonta who was watching my every move, I crawl next to him kissing his forehead and snuggle against him, starting the documentary, playing with his hair.

His face becomes completely red and looks at me again "w-what all this f-for?" He stutters out.

"For you.." I said as I hug and nuzzle against him "To remind you of how much important and special to me.. you ain't that word you said earlier at all!! You don't realize how perfect you are and I love you for you!! so never ever say such false and wrong things about yourself ever again, because you are my perfection of a true gentleman!!!" I said as I draw a heart on his chest.

Gonta was lost for words and felt tears welling up in his eyes once more, but this time they were tears of joy "(Y-Y/N).." He hugs you back and giggles happily "Thank you.. Gonta really appreciates it..." He said and gives me a kiss on the cheek which makes me blush.

"Anything for you!~" I said then I pick up a ladybug plush and put it in front of my face, changing my voice as its the one who's talking "Come On! LeT's waTch togeTher Mr GokuHara!!" Said ¨The Ladybug¨.

The gentleman laughs and pats my head, grinning "you really are the best, sweetheart..."


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(When I first saw this pic I was heartbroken, I rlly don't like when Gonta says stuff like that to himself like it just breaks ma smol heart😭✋✋ but anyways hope you enjoy! take care and goodbyee!! >:DD👋))

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(When I first saw this pic I was heartbroken, I rlly don't like when Gonta says stuff like that to himself like it just breaks ma smol heart😭✋✋ but anyways hope you enjoy! take care and goodbyee!! >:DD👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now