94- ✨🐞Insect meet And Greet🕷✨(+gift) Gonta x Scared Reader

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(heyo y'all! this was requested by SakuraNinjaChick! tysm for the request!! :DD hope you like it and enjoy!! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was in my room chilling until I heard knocking on my door, I got up and opened it to see Gonta "Hey Gonta! do you need something?" I asked while tilting my head to the side "Hello (Y/N)! Gonta was wondering if you want to join him and friends in insect meet and greet"

I got confused "Huh? what's that?" I asked him "Oh! basically is an 'event' Gonta made for friends because they sadly don't like bugs, Gonta is sure friends aren't bad people so he wants to change their mind! Gonta knows you are scared of them only, so just in case Gonta wanted to ask you if you wanna join later? just you and Gonta in his lab?" He explained.

'Oh boy, as much as I want to have alone time with Gonta, it doesn't seem like a great idea to be with a lot of bugs, I get scared easily.. but I certainly can't say no to this lovely gentleman' I thought while looking at the boy's beautiful red orbs.

I put aside my worries and said "yea of course! I wanna face my fears anyways"

That brings a smile on Gonta's face and he wraps his arms around me lifting me up which made me squeal "That's wonderful to hear! Gonta is glad that (Y/N) is trying to love bugs! Gonta would make sure to help too!!" "Hehe that's great!" I said while blushing a bit.

He puts me down and gives me a pat on the head while adding "Okay! Gonta will pick you up after he finishes insect meet and greet with other friends, is that alright?" I give him a small smile and said "sure! take your time, i'll be in my room"

With that, Gonta waves goodbye turns around and walks away 'Phew.. at least now he understands about my fear of things, unlike last time when he figure it out for the first time..'


Gonta and I went out together to get to know each other "Sooo Gonta right? what's your ultimate??" "Oh! Gonta's ultimate is ultimate entomologist! Gonta looks and takes care of bugs!!" The boy happily said "Do you like bugs?" He added.

"Bugs? I don't know.. I don't really like being near them.." I said honestly but Gonta got the wrong idea.

"W-what?? you don't like bugs?!" His change of act made me flinch "I-I didn't say I don't like them I'm only scared of them" I said not knowing why he became angry all of a sudden.

Gonta raised an eyebrow in confusion "scared of them? but bugs are friends! bugs mean no harm" 'What did I get myself into' I thought sweating a bit "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I get scared of anything really" I explained.

"Oh.. then Gonta apologize for behaviour! Gonta thoughts (Y/N) hates bugs, no bad person likes bugs!" He giggles 'Good thing his mood is back.. he's kinda cute when he giggled' I thought blushing.

*Flashbacks end*

'Surprisingly I have been spared by him before.. i'm not complaining tho, I guess I have some time for myself until Gonta shows up, I got to prepare myself mentally' I thought while going to do whatever in my room.

*Time Skips*

As I was passing the time, I heard knocking on my door yet again 'I guess Gonta finished the insect meet and greet' I thought while going towards the door and opening it.

"Hello (Y/N), are you ready to go?" the gentleman asked, I inhaled and said "yea let's go" I left my dorm and closed it then both of us head towards the lab, with me getting nervous the more we get closer.

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now