97- 8K special!!! ✨👑Protect his loved one👑✨ Gonta x bullied reader

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(Heyo welcome back to another chapter! my book reached 8K reads like really tysm! :DD So I'll treat y'all with a new story!anyways enjoy!! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

Warning⚠️: Harsh words


I was sitting at my lunch table alone, eating my bento until I heard a cheerful voice "greetings (Y/N)!" I flinched a bit but sigh in relief to see it was just Gonta approaching me while waving.

I waved back "Oh hey Gonta, d-do you need something?" I asked politely "Gonta wants to hang out with you after school, is that okay?" he suggested.

I looked at him surprised but gave him a small awkward smile "S-sure sounds lovely.." "yay thank you!" He said happily.

Before I could answer him, the bell rings "Oww seems like lunch time is over, Gonta will meet you by the entrace of the school!" He said "y-yeah.. see ya!" I waved goodbye and sat there lost in thoughts.

Because of my quiet behavior, nobody wanted to be around me so most of the time you find me completely alone. Bullies find it easy to target me since I don't know how to defend myself, I will be a stuttering mess and embarrass myself even if I tried to.

Gonta was the first ever person to treat me with respect, he even stood up for me when one of my bullies was calling me bad names, from that day they left me alone which I really appreciate.

"Oh shoot! I need to hurry to my class or else I'll be late" I whisper to myself as I got up and head towards my destination.

*Time Skips*

Finally the lesson has finished 'can't wait to meet Gonta' I thought with a small smile on my face as I left the classroom.

I was walking down the hallway towards the exit humming happily, until I heard a familiar voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"you look awfully happy these days, lucky you!" my eyes widen 'oh no' I thought in panic as I turned slowly to find HIM 'out of all people why does it have to be the person who started all of this bullying?!' I stare at him blankly before starting to run.

..or at least that's what I hoped for, instead he slammed me on the lockers which I hissed in pain "You're not going anywhere this time" He said as he trapped me between his arms.

"W-what do you want from me?" I said in panic "It pisses me off how someone as pathetic as you is happy, just because you started hanging out with Tarzan doesn't mean you're gonna be safe!!" He yelled in anger and pulled my hair swinging my head harshly which made me cry in pain, I grabbed his hands to make him let go but no sucess in that.

"S-stop it" I mumble but he smirks and said "speaking about that guy.. where did your knight in shining armor go anyways, um? Did he realize how much of a worthless shit you are and stopped being your friend?? I mean I wouldn't blame him.. just look at you!!" He laughed.

He pulled my hair even more which made me tear up and he almost smashed my head on the lockers but someone stopped him from doing so and it was...

"G-Gonta?" I mumbled shakily while raising my head to see him looking at my bully with a very serious face, I guess I took so long and he came to check up on me.

"Excuse Gonta but Gonta would like to ask you to let go of (Y/N)..." Gonta asked with a deep, serious voice which made me surprised.

The bully was intimidated by Gonta's large figure and aura but tries to act tough "oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?-- AHH!!" Without thinking, Gonta tighten his grip on the bully which almost broke his bones.

Even Gonta looked surprised by his own strength but he didn't loosen up "Oh Gonta apologizes, but Gonta won't let go until you do" He gently said, now glaring at him.

This time the bully shrink in fear and lets go of my hair which Gonta immediately but gently pushed me behind him in a protecting manner not breaking eye contact with the bully. He apologized so many times "don't ever do this again or else Gonta may not go so easy on you.." Gonta said which made the bully nod and runs away so fast.

The gentleman kept staring at the bully until he's gone, then turns and looks at me with soft and gentle eyes "is (Y/N) okay? are you hurt??" he said worriedly checking for bruises.

I rubbed the top of my head trying to ease the pain and quietly said "I-I'm fine, thank you for helping me" Gonta smiled sweetly and pulled me in a hug "Gonta is glad you're alright! It's gentleman's duty to help his loved ones" He said which made me blush.

"M-me? Y-you must be joking, I'm not worthy to be loved by someone as amazing as you-" Gonta grabs my face and made me look at him "(Y/N)" he called my name seriously "y-yea?" I said confused yet flustered "that's not true, don't say stuff like that to yourself! you deserve to be loved because you are important and special to Gonta.."

My face becomes red from blushing 'Nobody cared for me as much as he does..' I thought as I felt tears welling up in my eyes which didn't go unnoticed "(Y/N) are you alright? d-did Gonta upsets you??" I giggle and hugged him "no i'm fine don't worry.. they are just happy tears" I give him a closed eye smile which made Gonta blush.

"oh that's good!.. do you still wanna hang out?" Gonta asked shyly "yea of course, let's go!" I grabbed his hand and we start walking out of the school.

(Best gentleman is always there to the rescue wooo!! \(^o^)/💖💖✨ also fun fact: I was dealing with artblock and no motivation but when I saw the 8K reads I grew determind to draw and write something and yay I actually did it!! X33it's so bizzare ...

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(Best gentleman is always there to the rescue wooo!! \(^o^)/💖💖✨
also fun fact: I was dealing with artblock and no motivation but when I saw the 8K reads I grew determind to draw and write something and yay I actually did it!! X33
it's so bizzare how much reads this book is getting like WOA!! XDD thank you for taking your time to check out my book that my little simp self makes!! I'm still very surprised that actually people check and enjoy[maybe-] what I do lmao xd-- but anyways hope you enjoyed and see you next time!! ^^👋💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💓✨✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now