98-✨🐱KITTY🐱✨ Gonta x Unmotivated Reader

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(Howdy folks, welcome to another chapter! hope you're having an amazing day and enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


These past few days, I didn't feel like doing anything, just sitting around doing nothing.

Just doing the usual boring routine such as getting up in the morning, preparing myself, going to school, arriving home and it repeats the next day. I didn't find any motivation to get out and have fun with friends, draw or anything else that includes movements.

But today something happened for once, as I was walking back home after a boring day at school, I saw a figure standing a bit far away waiting for me and the more I approach them the more I recognize who it was, it was none other then the gentleman himself, Gonta Gokuhara.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Gonta greeted me happily, I forced a smile "Yoo" I said, pretty much not my reaction but I'm too sad to notice. I saw him crossing his arms in a weird way(like he's holding something)) and I decided to ask "Um? What you got there Gonta?"

He got surprised and hugs the thing closer to himself "Oh! Eh.. Gonta is just crossing his arms!" I felt something off, like he's not telling the truth, but I didn't question it and just give him a nod.

"Can Gonta walk you home?" He asked "Sure" and with that we started walking together.

As we reached my house, Gonta stopped walking which made me stop too, I turned around confused "Are you okay?" "Uh.. yes, Gonta is alright! It's just.. (Y/N) been sad lately..." He said slowly 'Oh shoot he noticed? Ow man I didn't mean to worry him' I thought while looking at him with sad eyes.

"Gonta I-" before I could finish he continued "..And Gonta wanted to help so he got this for you!" He said that really fast as he uncrossed his arms.. and it was..

A Kitty Cat?!

I was staring blankly trying to process everything meanwhile Gonta was looking at me waiting for my reaction sweating a bit "Do you.. like it?" He asked softly.

I walk towards him and gently pick up the kitty, I almost cried of how cute it is but not as much as how adorable and a sweetheart Gonta is.

I looked at Gonta with a genuine smile and hugged him (while the cat was comfortably sitting between y'all somehow XD))

"..like it? I love it! thank you.. you're truly a gentleman"

aw man if Gonta gimme a gift and IT'S A KITTY I would burst out crying in happiness!! XDD anyways hope you enjoyed! take care and peace out pals!! ^^✌))

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aw man if Gonta gimme a gift and IT'S A KITTY I would burst out crying in happiness!! XDD anyways hope you enjoyed! take care and peace out pals!! ^^✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now