121-✨💓so this is love💓✨ Gonta x Reader

142 9 3

(hey everyone I can't believe we reached 20k reads like wowie! Tysm y'all and hope you r having an amazing day! Today's chapter is just going to be wholesome stuff with our dear gentleman, enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

This takes place in the killing game. any chapter, it don't really matter


Morning has arrived, I woke up early, got dressed, making sure that I'm ready for the day ahead of me. As soon as I got dressed I immediately head to look for Gonta, eager to start making plans with him.

When I got out from my room, I see him stretching in front of his dorm "Good morning!" I said as I walk over to him, he notices me and gives me a smile that is brighter than ever "Morning! Did you sleep well?" He asked which I automatically smile back "Yeah I rested well, you?" I replied "me too!" he lets out one single yawn "Do you still want to find the new rooms and investigate it? Gonta will try his best to be helpful!" Gonta added with a look of determination.

"I think we should let Shuichi handle it, he always finds a way out of things with no problem, let's just relax" I said while rubbing the back of my head as Gonta's eyes light up "You're right! It's probably better if we don't act reckless" He nods like he agreed with his own thoughts "we can go to the garden, or something" He smiles broadly and grabs my hand which made me smile "yeah that'll be lovely" I said as I hold back his hand "but let's get breakfast first, what do you think?" I added.

Gonta smiles back "breakfast sounds wonderful, Gonta is actually starving!" he admitted as you almost burst out laughing "let's go!" He adds and starts heading over the dining area while dragging you with him.

Since it was early, the morning announcement didn't activate yet, so you and Gonta have some alone time together which never fails to put a smile on your face as you always enjoy spending time with the adorable gentleman. When you both arrived at the dining hall, you both went to the kitchen to get some food.

Gonta looks at you for a moment "make sure to grab as much good food as possible! Gonta don't want you to starve later on, alright?" He said with a smile as he made himself some French toast "you have to try the french toast too! It's really delicious!" he added while I went to make myself some (f/d) "oh alright, as long as it makes you happy hehe" with that I grab myself some of the food that Gonta recommended then I took a seat and put my meal on the table as Gonta sits next to me.

so with that, we were speaking about different things until we find ourselves speaking about nature "Gonta can no describe how much he loves nature! Not only does it have many colorful things but it always shows more beauty the more you look at it!" He exclaimed happily as he chuckles "what do you think?" He asked me with a wide smile "Yeah I can agree, nature is truly beautiful" I answered "just like you.." I mumbled shyly but since Gonta is next to you, he heard you.

Gonta's eyes light up and his face turn bright red "oh my.." he said with a soft voice, looking at you and his face starts to get warmer as he smiles widely "t-thank you..." He chuckles nervously as his blush spreads across his face. I blushed as well but from embarrassment "y-you heard that?" I asked even so the answer is obvious "yeah but it's okay, Gonta don't mind! Gonta thinks that's so sweet of (y/n).." He smiled brightly as he rubs his warm cheek with his finger "Gonta likes when (y/n) compliments him.. Gonta feels... special" He adds, saying it with a soft voice as he gives you a head pat gently.

My cheeks turn even brighter color and I nuzzle his hand, I had been secretly yearning for his attention for so long as I smiled softly. His eyes reflecting back at me, I saw a glimmer of admiration and curiosity so summoning all my bravery, I looked into his eyes and barely said "Can I... Can I hug you?" I said hoping, he'll accept it.

His eyes open a bit wider as his blush deepens, a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he nods while opening his arms "of course! Go ahead~" He said as he gave me a welcoming grin. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and smiled warmly, I reached out and enveloped him in an embrace, feeling so happy and loved.

He puts his arms around me, returning the hug and he feels at ease when you do so, he's very happy "You're very soft you know that? Like your heart" he declared softly "what do you enjoy about this?" he added which made me turn red "oh! W-well u know.. I enjoy being around you and holding you close is basically the biggest bonus..." I stated shyly as I let out an awkward giggle.

His face sparkles up and hugs you even more as he moves his face a little closer to yours which made you flustered "so you're enjoying this?~" He says with a calm, low voice as his lips were slightly parted, he tries to be careful with what you may be comfortable with like a true gentleman.

I look at him for a moment feeling flustered by how close he was and out of nowhere I said "are we about to kiss right now?" I was confused on why he had a shocked face then I realized that I probably said that phrase out loud "a-ah! Forget what I said!" I said as I cover my face embarrassed.

As soon as you ask that question, Gonta looks at you with a surprised face then he nods slowly and shyly while staying just barely within your reach, he's still blushing as his face is almost as red as yours "I-I guess we are... i-if you want?" The gentleman replied shyly. You peeked through your hands taken aback from what he said "r-really?" I said then smiled softly "then w-what are you waiting for?" I added teasingly as I look at him with love in my eyes.

Gonta laughs nervously then moves himself closer to you and... he finally connects both of your lips together as you both shared a passionate kiss, his eyes were closed as he puts all of his love and happiness into them, his lips stay warm and his breath is soft and calm as the gentle kiss lingers. I kissed back lovingly, feeling my face heat up from all the warmth and love as we continued to kiss....

As we were doing so, we heard the door open as we quickly pulled apart to see that the others have arrived "Yo (y/n), Gonta! When did you both get here? We were searching for both of you so we can start to investigate!" Kaito said as he approached us with a grin, Gonta and I were staring at the ground as both of our faces was filled with the color red as both were too flustered to say anything.

"Huh? What happened here?"

(omg finally I finished this story that I abandoned for sooo long yahoo! tysm for 20k reads for the nice comments it really makes me happy how much this book is getting attention like poejfoezjf THANK YOU!! I hope that you guys enjoyed it and hope...

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(omg finally I finished this story that I abandoned for sooo long yahoo! tysm for 20k reads for the nice comments it really makes me happy how much this book is getting attention like poejfoezjf THANK YOU!! I hope that you guys enjoyed it and hopefully next time! Bu-byeeeee!!))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now