105-✨🖤..Sacrifice..🖤✨ Gonta x Anxious!Insecure!Reader

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(greetings y'all! today's chapter is gonna be different since it's gonna have 2 endings[both r bad lol-] bc I somehow came up with different paths and couldn't decide which one I should do so why not put both! XD, hope you enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

The killing game is included and it takes place in chpt4 so spoilers if u haven't finished the game yet

you're the ultimate florist in this one

Warning⚠️: hella angst, swearing, disturbing stuff


We were in the virtual world trying to find the secret of the outside world so Shuichi, Tsumugi and I were searching the dinning hall and the kitchen but we sadly didn't find anything.

I got frustrated and decided to leave it to them "Hey I'll go check on Kaito and see if he found anything" I said which they agreed to "alright be careful" replied Shuichi before I left.

I got to the rooftop and felt the cold breeze, I looked around but no Kaito in sight "huh where's Kaito? isn't he suppose to be here??" I asked then I heard footsteps going up the stairs.

I got startled and hid beside the shed, I peeked and saw Kokichi and Gonta which made me confused 'what are they doing here??'

I lean a bit closer, trying to listen to their conversation and heard Kokichi was explaining something to Gonta which made him go hide in the other side 'what is he planning to do? What's happening?' I thought very concerned struggling to understand the situation.

As I was trying to process what's going on, I heard the door open yet again, I glanced over quickly to see Miu gets out of it.

I frowned my eyebrows confused on why suddenly they appeared here, that's where I noticed Miu was holding a hammer 'what the?!- Didn't she say that there wasn't any weapons in this world?!' I thought while freezing in panic.

But when I saw Gonta gets out from his hiding place holding something, for some reason, I feel like my heart drops and my guts immediately screamed at me to do something, like RIGHT NOW!!

So without thinking, I jump out of my spot and run towards the scene and...


I pushed Miu out of the way which leaves her and Kokichi with a very shocked face since I came out of nowhere.

Before I could move, I felt something wrap around my neck in a very tight grip forcing me to stop breathing.

I tried to break free but I couldn't and was just struggling, trying so hard to gasp for air but to no success in that.

Kokichi didn't expect this and tried to make Gonta snap out of it but to no avail, he wasn't even listening. Gonta wasn't even aware of what he was doing since he was closing his eyes the whole time and gritting his teeth apologizing over and over again.

My vision started to blur as tears come out one last time before dropping to the ground.. not breathing at all.

Miu froze in shock and was looking at your dead body, not believing what she just witnessed. Kokichi too, but his face immediately changes to an evil grin as he grabs his head giggling insanely to himself.

And finally Gonta opens his eyes, excepting to see Miu's dead body but she was alive and was looking at something with horror in her eyes.

Gonta slowly follows her eyesight 'If Miu's alive.. then who-' before he could finish his thoughts, he gasps and takes a large step back which made him trip and fall on the ground, he crawls away until he hits the wall with his back.

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now