96- ✨✈️Here Comes The Airplane✈️✨ Gonta x Childish Reader

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Don't mind me, imma drop weird and random doodles I make bc of boredom XD👌

(Howdy everyone! I decided to make this tiktok/meme bc it's hilarious and thought it'll be super funny and cute with Gonta! XD enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was eating next to Gonta in the caferteria, I stare at his plate to see that he finished his meal so I took a piece of steak from my dish with my fork and raised it towards his face.

"Hey Gonta, you want some?" I asked tilting my head to the side, he smiled "Oh no thank you! Gonta is good" He said declining politely.

I turned my head to the side pouting playfully, but a silly idea popped in my head which made me grin.

I slowly wiggle my fork towards Gonta making an airplane sound "Brrrrr here comes the airplane!!" I said playfully, giggling in the process.

Gonta chuckled at my childish behavior yet he proceeds to play along, he bends down a little and eats the steak off the fork, making a humming sound. I raised my hands in success "Yay you did it!" I cheered in happiness.

Gonta couldn't help but laugh at your cuteness and he gives you a pat on the head.

Gonta couldn't help but laugh at your cuteness and he gives you a pat on the head

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(this made me laugh when I saw a video about it so I was like "why not remake it but with Gonta?" and here we are!! XDD I hope you enjoyed, take care and stay safe y'all!! Uwu👋💖💖✨))

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(this made me laugh when I saw a video about it so I was like "why not remake it but with Gonta?" and here we are!! XDD I hope you enjoyed, take care and stay safe y'all!! Uwu👋💖💖✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now