111-✨🖤Nightmare🖤✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Howdy everybody! hope you're having an amazing day and enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


Gonta was suddenly woken up by a loud knock on the door, he slowly opens his eyes and rubs them trying to clear his vision as he turns to check the time and it reads ¨4:05AM¨ "who come visit Gonta at this time?.." He said drowsily and groans as he forced himself awake.

He walks towards the door, then stops thinking about it.. what if... no no, even if that happens, he's strong enough to protect himself- "wait, why is Gonta thinking like this? God.." He brushes off his thoughts and proceeds to approach the door, tripping on air mid-way.

He looks around then remembers he was still in his dorm 'good thing nobody is looking' he thoughts blushing in embarrassment.

Gonta gently opens the door and before he knows it, something or should he say someone comes in so fast and held him tight, he yelps freaking out a bit but when he focused on the person it was..

"(Y/N)?.." He calls, then heard sniffing, you were crying?.. What happened? Without thinking, he let you in and closed the door hugging you back.

"(Y/N), are you okay? did something happen?" The gentleman asked but got no answer, you only hugged him tightly, Both of you stood in front of the door in silence as Gonta was trying to think of something to help you calm down.

He finally picks you up and walk towards the bed, sits down and puts you on his lap, stroking your hair in comfort.

Few minutes later until you finally relaxed a bit and let go of Gonta, sniffing a bit "I-I'm sorry, It's just I had a very bad dream about y-you and when I came to check on you, y-you didn't s-show up so I freaked out even more.. which is my fault b-because I wasn't patient I'm sorry I-" "Hey Hey" Before you could keep going, Gonta grabs your chin and made you look at him to see his soft eyes which immediately made you calm down.

"(Y/N).. Gonta is sorry for not showing up soon.. it's not (Y/N)'s fault for checking on Gonta! that's very sweet.. what was the bad dream about?" He asked, you stayed silent for a moment then Gonta adds "It's okay, take your time (Y/N)"

That gives you a little courage as you inhale and begin to speak "n-not good, not good at all!! It was a nightmare, you... you were being k-killed right in front of me, I-I couldn't move to save you! It felt so real I w-was hopeless!!" You burst into tears again and you cover your mouth, stopping a sob "i'm sorry.." You whisper sadly, not understanding why you're getting worked up over a dream.

"No, no (Y/N) don't apologize!" he pats your head one more time and moves your hair away from your face "And don't be sad as Gonta is here! he's alive, look!" he kisses your forehead and hold you close "It's okay.. it was just a bad dream, Gonta got his sweetheart don't worry.."

You let out a shaky breath and hug him back "G-Gonta.." You said before crying on him once more.

After some time, Gonta suggest that you should stay with him to protect you from the bad dreams, you hesitated at first because you think you bothered him enough but he was having none of that so you agreed and you both sleep together.. while holding each other..

(that was pretty wholesome, wish I had the gentleman to comfort me when I have nightmares Qwq but anyways hope you enjoyed and peacee out!! ^^✌))

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(that was pretty wholesome, wish I had the gentleman to comfort me when I have nightmares Qwq but anyways hope you enjoyed and peacee out!! ^^✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now