79-✨🩹Heal🩹✨ Pregame Gonta x Innocent Reader

247 11 22

(i'm really happy with this one bc it's super cute and not a lot of pregame Gonta stories out there so i'm glad I can make one myself! but anyways enjoy!! >X33))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

killing game is not included

Reader's pov:

it was lunch time, the time where me and Gonta usually hang out by the blossom tree, but for some reason he wasn't there.. yet. so I was waiting for his arrival while trying so hard not to eat my bento because me and Gonta always eat together so I can't just start without him!

*a few moments later*

..ok he's taking so long for some reason, maybe I can eat a bit-

before doing anything, I heard footsteps and when I looked up I saw Gonta approaching "Gonta!!" I shouted in happiness as I got up and ran towards him, hugging him, Gonta made an 'oof' sound then he gently patted my head which made me giggle.

I looked up to ask where he was but I noticed a tiny bruise on his cheek. I released myself from the hug to also see that his clothes was kind of dirty, as well as his hands. I furrowed my eyebrows as I gently grabbed his hands and noticed how badly injured are his knuckles. it was a bit bloodied, bruised and scraped open.

I was surprised but then that quickly changed to a frown "w-what happened?" I asked worriedly "..Just some bastards.. won't stop bugging Gonta about fighting him to test their strength.. Gonta refused but they threw a punch anyways so Gonta had no choice.. but don't worry Gonta is fine" Gonta said that as the situation didn't bother him anymore.

I become even more sad 'why would they do that?? so mean!' "why they keep hurting this sweetheart of an angel??" With me still looking at his hands, I didn't notice the misunderstood gentleman blushing a bit with wide eyes as he didn't expect that.

"poor thing.." I rubbed his hands slightly trying not to hurt him, I gently raised his hands towards my face and kissed his knuckles..

"I hope my love is enough to heal you..."

Gonta couldn't help but blush even more. how lucky can he be to even have you by his side?? his heart was beating so fast at how much that affected him, he gently raised his hand towards his heart 's-so cute.. must protect forever...' Gonta thoughts while looking blankly at you while blushing madly.

meanwhile that's happening, you were looking at him in confusion blushing as well.

(THIS IS JUST ADORABLE!! also here's pregame Gonta looking blankly while blushing like oiehgoizeg!! >w<💖💖))

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(THIS IS JUST ADORABLE!! also here's pregame Gonta looking blankly while blushing like oiehgoizeg!! >w<💖💖))

(THIS IS JUST ADORABLE!! also here's pregame Gonta looking blankly while blushing like oiehgoizeg!! >w<💖💖))

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(I believe in pregame Gonta surpremacy!!🛐💓💓 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and cya next one!! ^^👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now