87- ✨🚌Road Trip🛣️✨ Gonta x Reader

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(heyo everyone I hope u have an amazing day, I decided to change things up and make this story a bit different[this one was kinda rushed so sorry if it's bad-] enjoy! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

the killing game is not included


your teacher decided to organize a road trip somewhere so you and your classmates can learn new stuff. all of you got prepared for the trip and got on the small bus to begin the journey, you were the last person to enter the vehicle that's why you didn't find any seats available.

so with that fact, you were standing frozen in place, you don't know what to do.

"Yo (Y/N)! are you planning on standing the whole trip??" you turned to face the user's voice and it was Kaito. "ah?! N-no of course not! hehe.." you giggled awkwardly trying to find a solution for the situation you're silently dealing with.

"then what are you waiting for?! Go sit or the bus will move and makes you fly!! nishishi" said the excited Kokichi while he was tapping on his chair. "Kokichi be quiet!" Kaito said while glaring at the evil eggplant "what? am I wrong tho??" replied Kokichi "guys come on don't fight, I'll be going now" you said before they start arguing even further.

with that, you quickly walked away to the back of the bus, to find Gonta.

he notices you and smiles.

"Hello (Y/N)!" he waves happily which made you smile "ah- hey Gonta!" "Gonta can't wait for trip to begin! he want to meet new bug friends!!" he said happily 'how adorable' you thought giggling a bit "hehe that's so sweet! I also can't wait" you replied.

"yay! by the way, didn't they mention that they are going to start the bus soon?" questioned the gentleman "um.. yes?" You replied "then why is (Y/N) walking around bus?" you blushed in embarrassment and rubbed the back of your head avoiding eye contact "..ehh I d-don't have a seat ehe-"

Gonta looks at you suprised "what? that's bad! um.. how about you take Gonta's seat? Gonta offers like gentleman!!" as he was about to stand up you quickly raised your hands "aw that's so kind of you! but no I can't do that.." 'you are literally a perfection you need to be comfortable-' you blushed at your thought but you cleared your throat adding "I don't want you to be standing the whole trip, you'll get tired" the boy looked at you with soft eyes then said "Gonta don't really mind but if it upsets (Y/N) than he won't do it.. umm" Gonta starts humming while rubbing his chin trying to think of a way to help you, what a gentleman!

finally, he snapped his fingers "Gonta got it!" He taps on his lap and said "how about you sit on Gonta's lap? that way both Gonta and (Y/N) will be sitting!!"

you blushed a lot and said "h-huh? are you s-sure?? I don't wanna bother you--" "(Y/N) no!" Gonta quickly interrupted "(Y/N) is never a bother and Gonta is sure that's why he asked you! also with that we can be close and talk about stuff like bugs!" you tried to say something but nothing came out so you finally agreed.

with that you got closer to Gonta and sat on his lap blushing madly.

Gonta gently puts his arms around, holding you close which made you let out a confused surprised squeal.

"oh sorry! as you can see, Gonta don't have seatbelt on him so he uses his arms instead!! Gonta won't let bus make (Y/N) fly!" 'he must've heard that from Kokichi, such a cutie' you thought with a red face giggling.

"What a gentleman, Thank you Gonta!"

(This is how I imagine him wearing AND HOOOO BOY!! No thoughts, just simping ✋😳👌💖💖))

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(This is how I imagine him wearing AND HOOOO BOY!! No thoughts, just simping ✋😳👌💖💖))

(Also how sweet of our gentleman to make sure we are safe aww!! x33 hope u enjoyed! stay safe and take care!!^^👋💖))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now