92-✨🧁Cupcake🧁✨ Gonta x Reader

185 7 24

(heya everyone! I hope u have an amazing day!! i'm running out of ideas so if u wanna request something please do! xD anyways enjoy! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


In the morning, I was in the cafeteria waiting for the others to arrive, since we always meet here. I came early and there's nothing to do so may as well treat myself with something sweet!

I walk towards the kitchen and quickly made myself some cupcakes, put on (favorite/flavor) frosting and it's ready! I place the cupcakes on a plate and walked back to the cafeteria to find Gonta.

"Good morning Gonta! did you sleep well?" I asked him which startled him a bit "oh Gonta didn't see you there- good morning (Y/N)! yes Gonta slept well thank you" he replied which made me smile "that's great!" he smiled as well than looked at what i'm holding "what you got there (Y/N)?" he asked "oh! I made some cupcakes, you want some?" I said while raising the plate towards him "oo how nice! Gonta would love to!" he said with a grin and grabbed one.

With that, you and Gonta were eating cupcakes together.

The cupcake was so good that you didn't realize some of the frosting got on your cheek, Gonta notices it though, he swallows his food to talk "(Y/N) got something on their face" he said while tapping on his cheek to show you where.

You let out a hum before touching your cheek but misses "wohere?" you said while having food in your mouth which made the gentleman chuckle.

Gonta points at your cheek "there" you rubbed your cheek but again missed "did I get it?" you asked "no.. allow Gonta" Gonta said before raising him hand.

You blushed as he gently brushed the frosting off of your face and licked it off his finger, it made your face really red from blushing.

"There you go! also the cupcake is very delicious!!" he said innocently not knowing you were lost in your thoughts while grabbing your cheeks trying to calm down "is (Y/N) alright?" he asked worriedly "..u-um? y-yea! why wouldn't I? don't worry hehe.." you replied flustered.

Gonta grinned "that's good!" and pat you on the head and went back eating, you just stood there slightly embarrassed then you cleared your throat and went back to finish your cupcake remembering the moment that just happened.

Gonta grinned "that's good!" and pat you on the head and went back eating, you just stood there slightly embarrassed then you cleared your throat and went back to finish your cupcake remembering the moment that just happened

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eh- it's ok I guess xd if u have ideas for a story don't forget to share them! anyways I hope you enjoyed! take care and peace out!! x33✌💖💖✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now