118-✨🎀HAPPY BIRTHDAY GONTA🎈✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Happy birthday to the best bug boy ever, Gonta Gokuhara!! I love this boy so much like he deserves everything legit, anyways hope u enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


"Andd I think I'm done!" I said while wiping my sweaty forehead, looking at the living room that was decorated with balloons, colorful strings and lots of ribbons everywhere.

The decorations were around the table which has a big cake on it with a 'Happy Birthday Bumblebee!!' written on it, oh! may I add it was a butterfly shaped cake to make it extra special.

For the gifts, they were wrapped neatly on the table as well so I could give it to Gonta when he shows up.

Speaking of Gonta, he should be home soon so I grab the confetti, turn off the light and wait.

*a tiny time skip*

Just before I know it, the door opens "Gonta's home!.. eh?" Gonta said in confusion, almost making me give away my hiding place by giggling from his cuteness.

I could see him struggling to find the light switch but when he turns it on, I quickly jumped while shooting the confetti towards him.

"Happy Birthday Gonta!!" I exclaimed with a huge grin on my face.

Gonta flinched a bit and stood there shocked, wasn't expecting any of this.

As he was frozen, I approached him with my hands behind me "Oh dear seems like I surprised you too much" I giggle as I twirl in a goofy way then goes on one knee, grabs his hand and kisses the back of it "you're looking lovely as always, bugaboo.." I said softly which made him blush.

With that, I remove my hand from behind my back to reveal a bouquet full of beautiful roses "This is for you darling!~" I added smiling sweetly "O-oh" the gentleman stutters out "thank you (Y/N), that makes Gonta happy" He said blushing while grabbing the bouquet, raises it towards his nose and smells it.

"My pleasure!" I smile while blushing, still holding his hand, I lead him towards the table to show him the cake.

Gonta gasps surprised by the shape of the cake and grins happily "it's a butterfly!" he thrilled "yeah! made it just the way you like it too!!" I replied.

Gonta's eyes sparkled as he looks at the cake then looks back at me with such soft eyes "Gonta.. don't know what to say, thank you for all of this Gonta don't think he has been this happy before" the entomologist said while his fingers wrap around your hand gently, his thumb tenderly rubs against it.

He brushes my hair away from my face and gives a small smile "you are truly the best, Gonta so glad he meet you!" he said, pulling me in his famous hug.

I blush "It's nothing really, It's just what you deserve, I did this because I love you so much" I said while hugging him back lovingly.

Gonta almost teared up because of your kindness, he hold my face and admires my face for a moment "haha.. you are really the best" Gonta said softly, kissing my forehead which made me smile.

I kiss him on his cheek and said "hehe come on! let's continue this celebration!!" I chuckled which he agrees to and we went back to the table.

And with that... Gonta finished the day off hanging out with his lovely partner.

(YAY IT FEELS VERY LOVELY TO FINALLY MAKE A STORY FOR GONTA'S BIRTHDAY!! let me know what u think and have a lovely day as well!! x3✌))

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(YAY IT FEELS VERY LOVELY TO FINALLY MAKE A STORY FOR GONTA'S BIRTHDAY!! let me know what u think and have a lovely day as well!! x3✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now